Maggie Smith


Market Rasen

United Kingdom

Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
20 years
About Me:
My first Irish Setter, Penny, came to me via the dog warden in 1987. My boyfriend owned an Irish Setter and thought that I could care for Penny over the Easter holiday until the dog pound could take her. She had been straying for some time and was a very sorry little girl - she never made it to the pound but stayed with me for 10 years. I loved her and when the opportunity came to have a dog in 2001 it was no contest, it had to be an Irish Setter. Jim Parker and I own eight year old Ruby, Lucy 5 and Georgie 2 and a half. Georgie is a reluctant show girl but we make it up to her with long walks in the woods and the beach and holidays in the Lakes and Scotland.

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  • Teresa Gisby

    Thank you just wish we were there to have seen her get it Teresa

  • Cornelia

    Thank you Maggie, for your nice comment! Joy is happiest, when we are on tour or on holidays - I think it shows - she loves to be outdoors and with us all day and is ever so tired in the evening :-). Are you still taking photos with your macro? Have a nice time, C & J xxx 

  • Cornelia

    Thank you Maggie, yes, Joy does love the snow and I'm glad, I can let her have a good run now. I hope you are all fine, enjoying a bit of snow too! All the best, C & J xxx