Natalija Jentkiene



Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
2.5 years
About Me:
Pure crazy about Irish Red Setters :)
Although Nigel is our first Irish Setter, he managed to become the great Love of our Life....
His presence in our routine made it fabulous :))

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  • Cornelia

    Thank you for your comment on my photo. Greetings from Switzerland
  • Judyta Gnyp-Nosal

    Hello Natalija,
    I sow that you will visit Częstochowa at 16th May ;-)
    but.. I know that you are inscribed in red&white breed with one dog in champion class. This is a mistake? You will visit Poland with your Nigel?

    warm regards,
  • Ewa Wojcik

    Thank you Natalija,
    I hope that now we will meet at the exhibition in Poland :)