John Bell Young - Mike Connolly


Acton, MA

United States

Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
Almost two and a half years
About Me:
To introduce ourselves: I'm John Bell Young, and my partner is Mike Connolly. I'm a concert pianist and recording artist (Newport Classics, Americus Records, Sony Classical) and also a widely published music critic and author of five books published by Amadeus Press. We are devoted to our two wonderful dogs: Justice, our nearly two and a half year old Irish Setter, and Ben, our nearly three and a half year old Black Labrador Retriever.

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  • Jean-Luc R Jonola X. Sametsuz H.


    Very nice and charming photos album !

    Kind regards from Geneva and Burgundy in France.

  • Jean-Luc R Jonola X. Sametsuz H.

    Bonjour John et Mike,

    C'est très gentil de me répondre en français, je peux aussi vous dire que vos deux chiens sont aussi très beaux et toutes vos photos sont très sympathiques ! En plus d'être un amateur de setter irlandais, je suis aussi grand mélomane de musique classique, et j'ai joué aussi beaucoup de piano classique, surtout Chopin.

    Peut-être vous arrive-t-il de jouer en Europe, à Paris ou à Genève ? C'est magnifique de pouvoir voyager avec vos deux chiens.

    Jonola Xuberance est le nom de pedigree, son petit nom est Lucky ...

    If you prefer to talk in English, it's fine for me, no problem.

    By the way with whom I'm talking Mike or John ?

    Take care.


  • Jean-Luc R Jonola X. Sametsuz H.


    I understand you cannot travel with your dogs from the States. It will be nice if I can see you sometimes if you are coming to Geneva or nearby, Lausanne or Montreux. If you have a concert here around, I will go to listen to you.

    Take care.
