Alison Bennett


United Kingdom

Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
None - yet
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
since 1989
About Me:
We don't have any red and whites at present as I have been caring for my mother in law who pass away in 2010. We lost our last red and white at the age of nearly 16 years in December 2007 and after a long break, we are now ready to look for another companion.

Comment Wall:

  • Margaret Sierakowski

    Welcome! This is one of the best setter lists, so hope you join in and enjoy the discussions. Great to see you planning a return to IRWS soon.


  • Margaret Sierakowski

    I've always remembered how you helped me find my first bitch puppy  and introduced me to Trudy Walsh, from whom I got Cara , who was a daughter of one of your IRWS. Almost all the IRWS I have bred since go back to your Abby , so even if you dropped out of the breed because of family commitments, your breeding has continued and is still very much alive in my dogs and many others still around today, not only in the UK but all around the world. I owe a lot to your breeding!