Chantal McIlveen-Wright


Coleraine, Northern Ireland

United Kingdom

Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
Two again. Darwin (17/10/2004) and Mac (born 1/6/11).
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
Since 1996
About Me:
My love story with Irish setters started in 1996 with the most wonderful IS ever - MC, a field trial with Monroad ancestors. I was so lucky to have this very special and clever boy!!! Unfortunately, I lost him in May 2010, a couple of days short before his 14th birthday.
In between, in January 2005 came very handsome Darwin, the sweetest nature possible, Irish born with Thendara gd-parents. Recently we had a new addition to the family, Mac (the holy terror), born the 1/6/2011 from Sumaric Mr. Jingles and Thendara Vanilla Ice.

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  • Barbara

    Happy Birthday Chantal!

  • Cornelia

    Hi Chantal, nice to see you on ES again - is your family well? How's David? I haven't seen photos of your two furry boys in a long time. I hope you're enjoying nice beach walks again. All the best C & J xxx

  • Finding_Beau

    Hi Chantal, Thank you for your Happy Barkday wishes for my boy, Hobson. We hope Mac continues to defy the odds and lives to be an old dog. Finding a good vet helps a great deal. Our thoughts are with you. Susan, Hobson and Misty xx