Andrea Maxwell

Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
Well... No Irish Setters... I have two English Setters!
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
I have owned English Setters for 5 years
About Me:
I live in Perth, Australia, work in an office, and devote all my spare time to my dogs. I show one male currently, Spartan, as well as a female Weimaraner named Ariane. My other English Setter is 18 months, and a handful. James and Spartan's best friends are Irish Setters. and shhhhhh don't tell the Weimaraner - she thinks she is a setter....

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  • Zbigniew Dzionek

    Thank You Andrea!!!
  • Yvonne Joerling

    Hi Andrea, welcome in our "only two" group
  • Lynn Spencer

    Hi Andrea, Your English Setters are beautiful. I have just joined this group so am still learning the ropes. I have two Setters, An Irish and an English, both aged 6. We got them both as baby puppies together and have been just a joy to own (or do they own us)???

    This seems a nice group. I am already enjoying it very much.
