Wendy Holehan



United Kingdom

Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
About Me:
I've had Irish Setters for the past 22 years, but showing for about 20 years. Currently showing SH CH Erinade Starwars JW (9CC & 11RCC, Grp2 & 5 BOB). Soon to be showing Danaway Moulin Rouge and our latest pup, Gwendariff Whata Klass Act.
Good luck to everone in 2010 and look forwrd to seeing you around the ring.

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  • Kate Condron

    Hi Wendy,
    Thought I would let you know about Rumer.
    We are really pleased with him, he is a gentle little soul,
    finding it very hard getting used to ALL that white on his chest,
    may be it will not show much when his coat grows?
    Hope all is OK with you.

    Kind regards
    Kate & gerald
  • Margaret Mazan

    Hi Wendy - just to let you know I lost Kiara this week - not the best week I've ever had. Hope you are well maggiexx
  • Lindsey Jones

    Hi Wendy, Hope you are well.

    Just to say that I see Meg (the puppy Tracy bought from you) every day.  What a super little dog she is!  She is very well behaved (at the moment!). Sometimes it is very difficult to tell Grace & Meg apart when they are off the lead, she will have a fabulous long coat soon.


    Hope to see you soon

    Lindsey x