


Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
30 years
About Me:
Hi i have 4 dogs including 1 Irish Setter - he is my fourth Irish and I hope to get another in the next few years.

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  • Lynn Spencer

    You will never, in a million years, guess what she's been up to this time. I'll keep you in suspence.
  • Lynn Spencer

    Just noticed your new profile photo. Looks lovely. So much nicer than just that 'face'. Hope to see you on here more often. I'm a bit adicted, I'm afraid. How about some more pics. of your gorgeous family???? I'm sure you have heaps.
  • Lynn Spencer

    Hi Dot,

    Thanks for thinking of us.  We are all fine.  Tess was 9yrs. last Deceber & is doing good.  I was quite worried about her there for awhile because she seemed to be in a depression since losing Megg, but I feel she is coming out of it now.  We're just beginning to think of a new baby for her, but I've been a little worried about if it's the right thing for Tess.  She is my priority.  I think she will be fine.  We're thinking 'English' as I do love one of each & have had some contacts although they are few & far between at the moment.  We'll see, but I think it's time she had a sister to bond with again.  We could have had the pick of an English litter (7 puppies) a couple of months ago, but I was not ready to look then.  Anyway, who knows, perhaps a baby Irish would be nice as eventually we will have another one. 


    Thanks again.  I was just asking Jo the other day if she'd seen you.  How is Mauldagh, Darcy & the boys?