Gaby Clayton


East Sussex

United Kingdom

Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
1-2 years
About Me:
I'm Gaby, I'm 20 and I originally come from Southampton, Hampshire. My family own 2 Australian Shepherds who I love to pieces, but recently I moved out and now live with my best friend and her (our) two dogs, Labrador Milo and Irish Setter Finn. I'm loving life with these two lovable dogs and can't wait to own more gundogs!

Comment Wall:

  • Kimberly Simmons

    Welcome Gaby, Milo, and Finn. Enjoy the site! Kim : )

  • KC and the boys

    Howdy Gaby - I recommend you join the Camera Club straightaway!   ;)  Hope to see you at Crufts. x