Suzanne Davies



United Kingdom

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How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
About Me:
We have our 3rd Irish Setter and we also have an English Setter

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  • Baileys' Page!

    Lovely walk today Suzanne! I am so unfit!! Bailey and the boys enjoyed it too!! and lovely pub.Nick says thankyou for the lovely tomatoes-he'll be having them for lunch!.If you send me your other email Sue ive got some nice pix of your boys!.Tina and Bails x

  • Baileys' Page!

    Thank you for all your lovely comments Sue!.Looking forward to seeing you and your lovely boys Saturday ).Tina and Bails x

  • Finding_Beau

    Hi Suzanne, Thank you for your compliments about my English Setter girl, Misty. Despite my horrific experience with Annie's breeder, I purchased Misty sight unseen, but I did not think her breeder would lie to me, and he did not let me down. Everything he told me about Misty was true, not that we discussed her show attributes or faults, because I was not buying an English Setter to show. Misty is my first English Setter girl without confirmation faults which would negatively impact on her ability to move as an English Setter should be able to move. I took a video of Misty and Hobson on the "spur of the moment" the other day. I might load this onto my ES page to show how agile she is. Take care and sending hugs to your 3 beautiful boys. Susan xxxx