Henk ten Klooster


Broekland, Overijssel


Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
53 years
About Me:
Inspired by worlds best literature on Irish setters and those alive, I hope to help survival of an original red setter as an intelligent working athlete. A pay back for an adventurous life with redcoats. Nature becoming an open book was thanks to them.

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  • Bridget Simpson

    Henk, I thought you might be interested to know that Maureen McKeever's Derrycarne Irish Setters are entwined with our South African REDSUN Irish Setters bred by Mr. William McBride (known as Mac) and his wife Thora played a major role in Maureen McKeever's Derrycarne breeding.  

    I am currently in touch with McBride's son Michael and his wife Sue who are trying to remember the early days. Mac & Thora arrived in SA in 1933 with an Irish Setter given to them as a wedding present I have a photograph of them aboard a Union Castle mail ship with this Irish Setter.  

    Michael has also have provided other photos which I will publish on this website, one of these is definitely of Maureen with an Irish Setter, a second has written on the back 'Another son of Redsun Roland of the Rand - a brilliant worker' and a third 'The Champion Heads of Derrycarne.  Redsun's daughter left and right of photo' These photos were taken in Athlone Ireland and were obviously sent to the McBrides by Maureen.

    Redsun Roland and SA Breed Champions Redsun Honey and  Regan all figure in the background  of 1981 Crufts Field and Show Ch. Astley's Portia of Rua.

     I have also enlisted the aid of our Kennel Union of South Africa who are currently undertaking some research into the achives to provide information, but any factual information that can be provided by "old timers" in Setters would be greatly appreciated.

    I can be e-mailed at mss01@telkomsa.net 

  • Bridget Simpson

    Hi Henk

    Keep trying , we are having a wintery storm at present and our service provider Telkom is not the most upto date in its technical status


  • Catherine Carter

    Happy Birthday ! :-)