A few hours old and totally worn out after a short visit in the field....
A great looking filly that took some effort to get into the world, and now being watched over by mum Ivy.
All legs...and not much else.
Keeping our fingers crossed all goes well in the future.
But for now...no more breeding for us, three nice mares in a row...we sort of understand that you can not be… Continue
And there they are...13 born (day 62), 12 still here. I was quite glad to see one go as I feel that 12 is more than enough...6 of each sex and great weights considering.
300g - 400g. But then what would you expect with the new and totallay improved formula for expecting bitches! The menue chosen by the mother of the puppies...and for the last three weeks of pregnancy it consisted of: Catshit, chickenshit, seaweed and… Continue