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Ursula wilby's Blog (44)

Not for the faint-hearted...

Sorry, I was unable to resist this one :-)

Added by ursula wilby on January 21, 2009 at 9:15am — 25 Comments

Sorry... same rules as last year. No bells, no setters in X-mas-gear. Nothing pretty, jolly or cute.

Just the inside of my head at Christmastime...ah but there is a setter!

Added by ursula wilby on December 19, 2008 at 2:56am — 19 Comments

Unknown setterowner (continued...)

This photo has hung on the wall in my kitchen for many years. Found at a fleamarket and taken in Sweden. He obviously loved his dogs enough to have a special photo taken with them. I find it interesting that the leads used are so very thin, rather like show-leads. Enjoy two setters from the past...he is now back in his frame and once again looking down at me on a daily basis. :-)

PS I am certain he would have been delighted to find himself… Continue

Added by ursula wilby on December 2, 2008 at 2:55am — 7 Comments

Unknown setterowner

This photo has hung on the wall in my kitchen for many years. Found at a fleamarket and taken in Sweden. He obviously loved his dogs enough to have a special photo taken with them. I find it interesting that the leads used are so very thin, rather like show-leads. Enjoy two setters from the past...he is now back in his frame and once again looking down at me on a daily basis. :-)

PS I am certain he would have been delighted to find himself… Continue

Added by ursula wilby on November 27, 2008 at 12:30am — 20 Comments

World show Stockholm

The drawings are now published...but my scanning from the magazine is not all that good. This is what I was doing while all others were just looking at all the dogs:-)…


Added by ursula wilby on September 18, 2008 at 6:09am — 9 Comments

Bragging blog-post number 3!!!!!!

Today Vilda (Röde Baronens Glory Days) once again got a first prize in obedience, this time even better than the last two...182 point out of 200 possible. She ended up in second place, this time beaten by a poodle...so she now has the qualifications in obedience I wanted (LP1). The three first prizes were taken in three compertitions in a row.

I have entered two more compertitions (in case I needed more than one shot at… Continue

Added by ursula wilby on August 24, 2008 at 8:42am — 10 Comments

Bragging Blogg-post number 2

Obedience competition last night and Vilda (Röde Baronens Glory Days) got her second first prize. 175.5 points of 200 possible and a second place. 2.5 point better than last time and one place higher up, now beaten only by a Briard.

Very difficult conditions with temperatures over 30 degrees and few dogs that mooved more than at snails-pace.

So I was pleased it went so well. :-)

Sorry, Genes comment made me realise… Continue

Added by ursula wilby on August 2, 2008 at 6:00am — 12 Comments

Bragging blog post...

Back from competing Röde Baronens Glory Days (Vilda) in obedience class 1.

A first prize and 173 points out of 200 possible.

Placed as number 3 out of 23 competitors (beaten by a BC + a Belgian shepherd). Well I managed to beat a few BC*s as well...

Considering that it was raining after more than 50 days without a drop, it was very good indeed. I was ill prepared and ended up doing it all in sandals and no… Continue

Added by ursula wilby on June 22, 2008 at 9:43am — 14 Comments

Oh my god! That horrid bulldog Ines got her second CC today!

The horrid french au-pairbulldog Ines got her second CC today. So just one more to go and she will be a show-champion!
She also got placed as third best bitch at the tender age of 18 months. (39 entrys)

Thank god all of us puppies have left for new homes and dont have to hear her bragging about it :-)

Added by ursula wilby on May 17, 2008 at 3:30pm — 8 Comments

Last day for the gang...

The very last day for this gang...a great litter from beginning to the end. And there are so many interesting things they failed to discover, like the bottom draw of my desk where I keep my drawingpapers, the wires to the TV, the inside of the catlitterbox, the cover on the settee in the kitchen, the small place where I keep my ironingboard etc. I think this is all thanks to the french (au-pair) buldog Ines, who kept them far too busy for… Continue

Added by ursula wilby on February 14, 2008 at 3:00am — 7 Comments

Nasty bulldog part 2

Remember that bulldog? Well we did not finish her off as well as we thought...she is BACK! And now trying to steal our plastic lid!

Naturally we can not have that! But then matters got worse. She stole our favorite, the gardening-glove!

Thank god we all helped out...but then...ahhh...she attacked!!!!!! And just look at those teeth we have! I bet THAT scared her!…


Added by ursula wilby on February 5, 2008 at 6:23am — 5 Comments

Step two.

This morning we (almost) killed the bulldog, this afternoon we are going for the pug. Like who needs a stupid curly tail anyway???

Added by ursula wilby on January 31, 2008 at 8:54am — 8 Comments

Brave enough to kill a bulldog...

Getting bigger and braver all the time! The puppies are still just as even as they were from birth. A great litter! here in the process of killing a bulldog...

Added by ursula wilby on January 31, 2008 at 2:07am — 17 Comments

OK so I am stupid.

But how do you get websiteadresses "clickable" on these Blog Posts?
Anyone out there that can help?


Added by ursula wilby on January 22, 2008 at 2:37pm — 3 Comments

If you cant beat them... get a new website!

I was not going to have a dishwasher, nor could I ever see myself with a mobile phone. And like why would I need a computer? All these items I can now not live without for more than a few hours...

But there was another thing you would never see me having. And that was a website.

Like who needs them?


As they say, if you cant beat them, join them. I have. So I am not ashamed to admit I have once again had to change… Continue

Added by ursula wilby on January 22, 2008 at 2:32pm — 2 Comments

Growing...even more....

Eating, sleeping and using up piles of newspaper...and wagging their tails. Still a very even litter and looking great.

Very pleased with this lot so far! :-)…


Added by ursula wilby on January 16, 2008 at 11:25am — 8 Comments

Best whishes for auntie Danka!!!!!

Here we are just after our meal, wanting to sing happy birthday for Danka...but we think we shall have a sleep instead, its such hard work growing...we can hardly keep our eyes open.

Added by ursula wilby on January 13, 2008 at 2:56pm — 4 Comments


Puppies now 11 days and growing fatter by the second. Inspired by Henk :-) I have (for the first time ever) got three puppies with white backpaws...have a happy New Year!!!!

Added by ursula wilby on December 31, 2007 at 3:14am — 8 Comments

10 puppies born on the 19th of december!

Five days old to day and looking great so far. And I am delighted there were no more that ten! Although I had been hoping for six-eight...

Five bitches and five dogs.

A very even litter in every way.

They will get names after Billy Idol-songs. The father is Coppers Pang i Bygget (A) and the mother Röde Baronens Glory Days… Continue

Added by ursula wilby on December 26, 2007 at 5:50am — 2 Comments

Sorry...no setters in christmas-gear, no snow, no bells and no angles...but a father Christmas.

It says: Time to be jolly again, now its Christmas!
Have a good one.

Added by ursula wilby on December 24, 2007 at 2:40am — 2 Comments



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