Exclusively Setters

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Danica Morarova's Comments

Comment Wall (153 comments)

At 2:35pm on August 7, 2008, Jenny Ronnebro said…
Welcome Danica! I hope that you will enjoy this site! All the best/ Jenny
At 7:38am on August 9, 2008, Ulrike Reder-Marko said…
Welcome Danice! Tell us more about your setter!
Greeting from Vienna Ulrike
At 6:42am on August 11, 2008, Alenka Pokorn said…
Hi Danica, welcome to the group. Glad to have someone from Slowakia here also. Let us know more about you and your dog. Alenka
At 5:57pm on August 12, 2008, Agnieszka Dufrat 'Neiven' said…
Hi Danica,
welcome at the site for setters lovers. Really nice photos!
Best wishes
At 6:53pm on August 12, 2008, James Martin's said…
Hi Ít's so gorgeous beauty setter.
Lovely, lovely photos, congratulations!
At 8:56am on September 2, 2008, Alenka Pokorn said…
Hi Danica,
I know both the father and mother of your bitch. Very nice dogs. i come sometimes to shows in Bratislava. Hope to meet you there. Photos on your site are very lovely.
At 4:35am on September 4, 2008, Petra Kasznár said…
really good pictures, nice to see your little energy bomb!!!!!
Good luck to her training!
At 5:39am on September 7, 2008, Elena Nagornaya said…
Hello, Danica
Thanks a lot for a compliment for my girls and a photos ) I have with the great pleasure looked your photoalbum too!
Best wishes for you and yours funny girl
At 10:30am on September 15, 2008, ereni said…

Zdravim, myslela som, ze uz ste zabudli na nas. Este je to babatko.ALe pomaly sa z nej stava slena. My sa trosku trapime so zadnou nozickou, zacal krivat.
Náaaaadherné fotky.Mozem vediet akym fotakom fotite? Aj ja chcem take..:O))) Kde sa to naucim?
Renata a Gordon
At 11:42am on September 15, 2008, Danica Morarova said…

Our friend Dindi/Diana/leave us today.
At 8:01am on September 17, 2008, Dee Rance said…
Thanks for the comment on the 'new' pictures... love yours Dee and the girls
At 5:04am on September 18, 2008, ereni said…
Hi...zacinam pomaly aj rozmyslat v AJ.Tato stranka i stranka gordonov ma pomaly zhltne.Myslim si, ze irska stranka je farebne lepsie urobena, ta nasa velmi taha oci.
Dakujem este raz za tip.Kam chodievate so slecnou na vybehy?
Nezabudli ste na moju otazku ohladom fotaka? Tie fotky su naozaj vynikajuce.
At 1:44pm on September 19, 2008, ereni said…
Danica a Zofka!
Dakujem za navstevu na webe.Potesila. Je to taka skusobna verzia, nemyslela som si, ze to zaberie tolko casu.
Budem este otravna a a opytam sa este na typ Canonu. Ja mam Nikon D40- zakladna zrkadlovka.Chcela som len vediet, ci sa daju aj tym mojim fotakom urobit take DOBRE fotky ako robi Vas BRAT.
At 2:20am on September 25, 2008, ereni said…
Ano, daval som nove fotky, ale su z leta. Len som na ne nemala cas. Dakujem za komentare. Tuto stranku mam radsej ako u gordonov. Zda sa mi, ze setre su hlavne milacikmi zien.Cim to bude..
At 6:04am on October 5, 2008, Nicole Wilson said…
Thank you for your nice comments on my photographs :-) It was a perfect morning today for photography.
Greetings from sunny Edinburgh :-))
Nicole & Busby
At 12:38am on October 8, 2008, Petra Kasznár said…
Dear Danica,
Thanks for your comment on my video. You are right, ducks are very good and strict coach:)!
Bye, Petra
At 10:57am on October 12, 2008, Annika Liikanen said…
Hello Danica!
Yes, but not necesserily any discussion about diet, he only eats one in week.
Greetings Annika
At 1:29am on October 21, 2008, Petra Kasznár said…
Dear Danica,
Thanks for the comment, I gave your kisses to Andy:)!
At 7:33am on October 25, 2008, Dee Rance said…
Oh I had to make a comment on your video and I could hardly see what I was typing couldn't get my eyes clear of tears, when I see something like that it always takes me back to my lost beauties. They all come flying back, so many that have gone before.....I feel for you and yours, and it was so beautifully done, thank you for that....Dee and the girls
PS your young girl looks so like Saffy....Look at the picture 'was it the ears that got me behind bars' I think that is what I called it....Dee
At 5:23am on October 27, 2008, Lynn Spencer said…
Thankyou Danica. Yes, My Megg is a sweet girl. Very laid back and placid. Thankyou for viewing my pics. I do get a bit carried away at times, but love putting them on the site. I'm very proud of my two beautiful girls.

Lynn, Tess (Irish) and Megg (English) from Australia.

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