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Tommy and Anne Eisgard's Comments

Comment Wall (37 comments)

At 4:23am on October 27, 2009, Jennifer Martin said…
Thank you for your comment on Jinty, she was a great old girl, I had many fun filled wonderful years with her and I love and miss her dearly.
At 1:02pm on December 21, 2009, Astrid Landsaat said…

At 4:59pm on January 29, 2010, Jean-Luc R Jonola X. Sametsuz H. said…
Hi, You have really beautiful setters, and funny photos !
At 4:31am on April 5, 2010, Benny and Pia Hansen said…
Tack Tommy och Anne för rättelsen och ha en fortsatt Glad Påsk.
At 4:19pm on April 11, 2010, Rebecca Goutorbe gave Tommy and Anne Eisgard a gift
Hello Tommy and Anne, yes i remember you both, Dom and I had a great weekend in Sweden with you both Thank You, This is a great website for photos etc.
At 2:11pm on August 11, 2010, Susan Mogony said…
I hope to meet you one day in Sweden!!
At 11:33am on August 22, 2010, Esther Siegrist said…
Hi Anne and Tommy
lovely blog abot Digger. both of my boys have Digger in their pedigree. Is it possible, that you send me a photo of him for my webside? Perhaps you also have a picture from Wendower Raffles...
many thanks and regards
Esther Mail: esther.victoria@bluewin.ch
you can see the pedigree on: http://www.setterboys.ch/glenn/pedigree-glenn.html
At 12:44pm on August 26, 2010, Marion Didicher said…
Hi Anna and Tommy
congratulations to Diggers birthday. We also think he was great. And we have to know what we say. We owned Erinade Frederik, Diggers grandson. And now we are proud owners from RT Hazel and Mimi and both have Digger as grandfather too!
Love from Marion
Look forward to see you in Germany in October!!!
At 4:11am on October 25, 2010, Angelika Park said…
Sorry, I couldn't join you at Richards home either in Dortmund. But I enjoy the great photos. Hope to meet you some time.
All the best, Angelika
At 10:02am on October 29, 2010, Angelika Park said…
Need to correct my last comment: Layla said, Soverhill Sailor of Wendover is the father of my great-grandfather. Maybe my puppies by Hazel (a look into the future) will have him in their pedigree again! ;-))
At 4:07pm on December 14, 2010, Kikki Dyrendahl said…

Tackar tackar, syns snart !!

At 10:29am on March 7, 2011, Susan Mogony said…
Thanks Tommy and Anne for your comment! Greetings form Bertina...on one leg :-)
At 1:27am on March 13, 2011, Rieky van Hal said…

thanks for your comment on houston

geatings rieky

At 4:19pm on March 30, 2011, Chantal McIlveen-Wright said…
Hope Flickan is still doing very well and you are all recovering little by little from this horrible experience. A big cuddle to Flickan from me please.
At 7:29am on June 21, 2011, martin falsey said…
congrats very nice and well done love web site realy good
At 3:29pm on December 19, 2011, Susan Mogony said…

Thanks Anne and Tommy! Greetings to your lovely boy and son of Gentle Lennon! He will be great no doubt! Have a great christmas and 2012!

At 10:56am on May 16, 2013, Angelika Park said…

Hi Anne & Tommy,

just visited your HP.The judge in Dortmund was me, Angelika Park. Great "Hazel" won the Title: European Winner and BOB. Also he got the 3.place in group 7. Marion will send you pics to comlete your NEWS.

It was a pleasure to judge this lovely boy!

Take care...


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