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Elaine Joan Wall's Comments

Comment Wall (50 comments)

At 12:06pm on August 22, 2010, Kirsty williamson said…
Many many congratulations on your fab result today, we are so pleased for you and George. Hope the pups are ok too.
Best wishes
kirsty and mother!
At 3:19pm on August 22, 2010, sue morgan said…
Hi Elaine,George and *SIR LUCAS*....very pleased for you ............WELL DONE , CONGRATULATIONS....Sue and The Red Ones
At 7:44am on August 27, 2010, Jennifer Martin said…
Hi Elaine, It's hard to believe that Rio has been with us for a year, he is almost past the juvenile delinquent stage but still likes to indulge in the occasional act of toilet roll stealing!.
He is much admired and attracts attention wherever he goes and everyone comments on his superb temperament,
He is such a happy chap, it is a joy to have him living with us.
At 7:27am on October 3, 2010, margaret benjafield said…
Dear Elaine and George,Hope all is well.Our boys are doing very well.Getting bigger and bigger every day..Will get Bill to send some photos to ye.They love their walks and are very good toilet wise.
At 6:26am on November 13, 2010, margaret benjafield said…
Hi Elaine and George,sorry for not getting back to ye sooner.We are getting on well with the boys. Still eating everything in sight. Tomo loves stones, twigs ect.We will send ye photographs we will get Will to show us how to do it.
At 8:44am on November 13, 2010, Jennifer Martin said…
Hi Elaine, will try to get some photo's to you but not sure when!, Had a terrible shock this summer and having a bit of a time of it - Roy is undergoing chemotherapy for inoperable lung cancer (asbestos related) it really knocks him off his feet and he is just coming out of his chemo blip, next session on the 24th but at least it is doing some good and has shrunk it considerably so we are going in the right direction and hoping for remission.
Rio is a darling and takes my mind off things and keeps me busy, he is intelligent and learns things very quickly - like going into the walk-in shower in the utility and waiting to have his muddy feet washed off, even lifts his paws up for me :) . He's just had a good romp running around a 100 acre field that belongs to a neighbour he can get around it a lot faster than I can, I only have to call 'Car' or 'Gate' and he is straight back!. It took a little while to get him over the travel sick puppy but is now quite the 'boy racer' and bounds into the back of the car with enthusiasm!.
He still has his moments just couldn't resist stealing a pen to get my attention this morning, there's still the odd toilet roll but they are put out of reach these days!.
Hope you are 'all' keeping fit and well - Bye for now almost time for another walk!
At 10:21am on March 7, 2011, nicola manduca said…
yes, i will be there, and i will be happy to see you .
At 1:49pm on March 21, 2012, Ellen Turberfield said…

Hi Elaine, just joined this site and spotted your name, I bought a puppy from you in 1991we called him Paddy he was Hazelbec Jack Be Nimble, we had him until he was 13 1/2 he like all my boys was beautiful, Iwas so upset at loosing him i waited over 5years before getting another he's called Finlay, but the day after his 2nd birthday we were told he had a bone tumor in his leg that was begining of december they said he had 6weeks but he's still doing well it's just so heart breaking

At 5:31am on March 31, 2012, Ellen Turberfield said…

Hi Elaine thanks for replying yes you were right Paddy loved to chew wood in particular my new pine table but also door frames any thing really but we still love them, i did see your Jason on your website thats what made me get in touch, thats a beautiful picture of him, he was my Paddys dad, i'm just taking every day as it comes with my Finlay he is such a sweetheart, thought i'd have him for years (",)'

At 5:48pm on March 4, 2014, terrie lynn stauffer said…

I see on your page that you have 4 setters do you know how lucky you are. I just lost my Radley on May 5 of 2013 and just seems like  it was today I have such a whole in my heart and I have nothing to fill it with.They are such nice looking setters

Always terrie

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