Exclusively Setters

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Guðrún Dögg's Comments

Comment Wall (23 comments)

At 3:24pm on October 7, 2008, Laura Kolbach said…
hey Guðrún, hope you had a nice time in Budapest. I saw that you managed to get an IS for the handling, how did you do?
At 3:55pm on October 7, 2008, Kristina Brannlund Westin said…
Hi and welcome enjoying this lovely place at space!

Regards, Kristina from Sweden
At 4:37pm on October 7, 2008, Sharyn Latchford said…
What a wee sweetie your Egan looks....just such a cutie..I am sure you will have a lot of fun with him

At 6:05am on October 8, 2008, Jenny Ronnebro said…
Cool to see somebody from Iceland here! Welcome! Cute profilphoto!
At 7:42am on October 8, 2008, Alenka Pokorn said…
Nice to see someone from Iceland entered. Will be interesting to hear about Irish in your country and your shows.
At 6:34am on October 9, 2008, aylien said…
Hi Gudrun, I was in Iceland one month ago for holidays and I'm so impressed by your country. I was already wondering if there would be anyone with Irish Setters, and here you are. Like Alenka, I'm very interested to hear more about the Irish in your country, Aylien
At 7:54am on October 9, 2008, Susan Stone said…
Welcome, first member from Iceland! (I think...)
love the photos of your Cavaliers in the icelandic sun - look forward to seeing more of Egan as he grows up - fortunately we get to see loads of setters in different sceneries in different countries site, all thanks to our Irish!
At 8:00am on October 9, 2008, Yvonne Joerling said…
Welcom, hope you´ll like it :-))
Best Greatings from Austria Yvonne
At 8:48am on October 9, 2008, Danica Morarova said…
Hi Gudrun,
At 7:53am on October 11, 2008, Laura Kolbach said…
love your photos, so nice how your hair matches the dogs, with the green suit inbetween! my niece also has red hair and adores my dogs, maybe she can be a junior handler as well some day :-)
here a photo of her when she was 1 year old. now 5.

At 3:05pm on October 22, 2008, Dee Rance said…
Wow Iceland Welcome to the site I hope you have a nice time here. Dee and the girls
At 8:46am on November 16, 2008, Agnieszka Dufrat 'Neiven' said…
Hi Guðrún,
Welcome here!
Good luck with your sweet puppy.
Best greetings from Poland
At 1:30pm on December 11, 2008, Mojca Novak said…
Welcome to this site and I hope you will enjoy.Your Egan looks like a king.
Best regards from Slovenia
At 2:17pm on December 14, 2008, Anna Kazimierowicz said…
Welcome on this site setter lover from Iceland.
At 2:58pm on December 28, 2008, Krisztina Borsanyi said…
Hi:)) I'm also happy to "see" you here;) How are you??How is the big boy? I still owe you some pics from the Eurodogshow....just had some trouble with my computer:S
At 2:02am on January 1, 2009, Ilona & Gina said…
Hi Gudrun!

A happy New Year from Australia. Just wanted to know how Egan was doing with the fireworks?

My two puppies (Anton & Gina, 5 1/2 months) simply slept - big relief!

All the best
At 7:06pm on January 1, 2009, Ilona & Gina said…
Hello Gudrun,

Sounds good, better than you expected! Nest New Year will be so much easier.

Gina & Anton are going to be de-sexed tomorrow, and I am a bit sad. The thing is, they sense my mood, although I try to stay funny and upbeat. Feel as if I violate them. But no soppiness - it has to be done.

At 3:55am on February 11, 2009, Gudjon Sig Arinbj said…
Sæll Guðrún hvernig gengur með hvolpinn Ertu byrjuð að þjáfa hann fyrir veiðipróf.
At 4:17am on February 11, 2009, Gudjon Sig Arinbj said…
Já ég reini að fara núna reglulega eins oft og ég gett virka daga 1-3 í viku.þú getur haft samband 6601926 ef þú vilt komast með svo eru göngur hjá FHD og Vorsth. Annars geturðu líka prófað að fara stóra hringin upp í heiðmörk og sjá hvort þú fynnur ekki Rjúpu.Haft hundinn í taum og leit hann vindmeiginn upp í fuglinn ef hann tekur stand þá hrósarðu honum ef ekki læturðu hann setjast þegar fuglinn flýgur og hrósar honum. Látu hann alltaf setjast þegar fuglar fljúa. Þegar þú ert að leiða hann upp í fugl þá skalt þú líka vera að læðast að fuglinum svoltið ýkt svo hann fatti að þú ert að læðast þá fer hann að gera það líka.
At 4:55pm on March 3, 2009, James Martin's said…
Well done!
He's a gorgeous well-built puppy!

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