Exclusively Setters

Home for Irish Setter Lovers Around the World

Donal Burke's Comments

Comment Wall (43 comments)

At 8:59am on March 21, 2008, Laura Kolbach said…
Hi Donal, welcome to this site, hope you are going to enjoy the discussions and all the photos!
All the best, Laura and the girls
At 9:03am on March 21, 2008, Donal Burke said…
Hi Laura,
Thank you very much indeed. I will upload some additional photographs later today. We hope to keep a blog once the initiation is complete. Congratulations to you on your successes.
At 10:01am on March 21, 2008, Susan Stone said…
Welcome Donal,
Setters in London? You will have to tell us where you walk them and how you manage all six on the underground:-))
At 1:45pm on March 21, 2008, Donal Burke said…
Hi Debbie,

It is great to be amongst friends.
I was truly pleased to receive your comments and congratulations. We look forward to meeting you again in the very near future.

At 3:26pm on March 21, 2008, Charlotte Godart - Riverwood said…
Hi Donal,
Welcome to Exclusively Setters !
Lovely photos of your dogs.
At 4:14pm on March 21, 2008, Susan Stone said…
Hi Donal - love your photos, great colours!
Sounds fun travelling by train with dogs up to Scotland. A bit cramped in the sleeper maybe with all 6 of them:-))
At 6:32pm on March 21, 2008, Nenad Mocorka-Red Irish Dream said…
Miller is absolutely gorgeous!!!! Congratulations
Welcome to Exclusively Setters !
At 1:56am on March 22, 2008, Ana Gaspar Kozelj said…
Welcome! I fell in love with Miller first time I saw him. He is the most beautiful!!!
At 8:53am on March 22, 2008, Jenny Ronnebro said…
Hi Donal! Very welcome to this site!
At 1:04pm on March 22, 2008, JOANNE said…
Hi Donal
Greetings from the other side of the world.Welcome to the site.Your Irish Setters are beautiful especially Miller what a handsome boy.JO.XX
At 2:33pm on March 25, 2008, Cecilia GUIOT said…
Welcome, your dogs are very beautiful

At 9:45am on March 27, 2008, Petra Kasznár said…
Really beautiful photos!
Petra (Hungary)
At 1:05am on April 3, 2008, Kristina said…
Very nice photos and very beautiul dogs. I want more. :)

At 10:36am on April 8, 2008, Dušanka Božič said…
Very beautiful dogs, like my Filip.
At 3:53am on April 11, 2008, Donal Burke said…
Miller would like everyone to know that it is his third birthday today. He woke up at 6AM in order to ensure that everyone knew that it was a special day. His sister Grouse who lives with him is looking forward to the party. She is not too bothered about the candles but adores the cake, We all wish his brother Becks who lives with Sheila in Scotland a very special day.

Best wishes to all our friends.

Bella, Brandon, Merlin and Paddy
At 8:05am on April 11, 2008, Jenny Ronnebro said…
We also want to wish Miller a happy birthday! Greetings from Kennel Discovery
At 2:00pm on May 22, 2008, Jane Mugford said…
Hi donal
thanks for your good wishes, we have fingers crossed but Sky will look such a baby

At 3:41pm on May 30, 2008, Jane Mugford said…
Thanks Donal
we couldn't of wished for a better start
See you soon

At 4:27am on June 16, 2008, Jenny Ronnebro said…
Once again congratualation!
At 9:13am on June 16, 2008, Nenad Mocorka-Red Irish Dream said…

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