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Robert Krajnc's Comments

Comment Wall (120 comments)

At 11:48am on April 6, 2009, Dee Rance said…
Hi there Robert
Welcome to the site, congratulations on the pictures, took me ages, hope that you enjoy it here.
Dee and the girls
At 11:17am on April 26, 2009, Marija Plevčak said…
Pozdravljen !
Če se ne najdemo doma se pa vsaj na tej strani najdemo ljubitelji seterov.
Veliko užitkov s tvojim prijateljem še naprej.
Marija in Esa
At 3:42am on May 8, 2009, Esther Siegrist said…
Hi Robert
Just love your video. 13 Years is so a beautiful age. Hope you can enjoy many years to come with your lovely Setter
Regards from Engadin Esther
At 8:07am on July 2, 2009, Alenka Pokorn said…
Zdravo, lepo je najti tukaj tudi kaj Slovencev. Alenka
At 6:22am on July 21, 2009, Alenka Pokorn said…
Prav uživala sem ob gledanju vajinih fotografij in videa.
At 3:26pm on July 21, 2009, Alenka Pokorn said…
Glede na to, da ne živite daleč od nas se kaj oglasite pogledat naraščaj.
At 12:43am on September 1, 2009, Kristina said…
Čestitke h novemu članu družine! Boš povedal, kako se razume s 13letnikom. Uživaj.
At 1:46am on September 1, 2009, Kristina said…
Oooo, iskreno sožalje za Šana. Nisem vedela. Boš moral popravit v profilu. ;-) Tako je to v življenju, nekaj izgubimo in nekaj pridobimo, lepi spomini ostanejo. Uživaj z malim rdečkotom.
At 8:53am on September 9, 2009, Špela L.Sušnik - Rubinus Verus said…
Hvala lepa, robert :-)
lp, š&R
At 1:16pm on September 11, 2009, Alenka Pokorn said…
Hej prva dva korenjaka sta danes odšla - Kissy in Red. Je takoj malo bolj mirno. Se vidimo v ponedeljek.
At 4:06am on September 12, 2009, ereni said…

Thank you for sharing your feelings....we don´t need many words to understand each other what our dear friends have ment for us. I wish you lot of pure and fresh love from your little baby.
My Isis needs all my time so I am able to think only about very important things:O)
Nice to meet you, Robert .
At 9:00am on September 22, 2009, Eevi Huttunen said…
Thank you! :)
At 3:49am on September 28, 2009, lyn hathaway said…
thank you for your comments on my pictures robert we have just come back from this park after staying 6 days.layla loved it because she could run freely and we were quite suprised at how she enjoyed herself with her been blind.shes beginning to cope well again after a little setbackwhich makes me so very happy
At 3:01am on September 29, 2009, sammi pease said…
Thankyou Robert...for your nice comments on my photos...
Sammi Abbi and Lola
At 6:39am on September 29, 2009, Loving red Joan - VITA said…
Sožalje za Šana in čestitke za novo pridobitev! Zelo lep psiček je!

Lep pozdrav

At 3:41pm on September 29, 2009, ereni said…
Have a nice evening with your red baby Allegro ..thank you for your comments.
At 3:45pm on September 30, 2009, Colin Wheeldon said…
Thanks Robert for your comments on my new baby girl Colin
At 1:40am on October 5, 2009, SANDRA JAŠIĆ said…
Seveda , jaz sem takoj za , kar povej kdaj in pa kje.Midva sva doma v Ljubljani blizu BTC-ja imamo tudi vrt tako da ...... lahko pa pridemo mi na gorensko.
Kakor vam bolje ustreza mi se bomo že prilagodili.

lp , Sandra
At 5:09am on October 5, 2009, ereni said…
Thamk you for your comments.
As for camera, I have Nikon D40, a basic digital camera.It can take pictures itself:O)))
Have a nice week !
Greetings to Allegro
At 2:38pm on October 5, 2009, ereni said…
Isis can be very shy at the begining, when she hears barking she wants to run away.Then she starts to be a little bit agresive and she must be number 1.
I was really afraid of louisiana dog(dog) and that pittbull (bitch).Fortunately they played together.I am very nervous of those types of dogs. One never knows what can happen....I live in crowded place and there are lot of pittbuls, argentinas, bullteriers..I must be very careful. Isis doesn´t have last vaccination so we go only near my home for a walk and I try not to meet lot of dogs.
I try to trust people and don´t be very nervous.It is not easy when you have such a treasure and in your heart is still pain and sorrow because of your beloved friend who is watching us from heaven
Enjoy your time with a lovely puppy with tender brown eyes.

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