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Corinna Stroempl's Comments

Comment Wall (44 comments)

At 11:33am on August 30, 2010, Monika Hoth said…
Hallo Ihr Nordlichter,
danke für die nette Begrüßung und ich hoffe es geht Euch allen gut!
Bis bald
At 7:42am on October 8, 2010, Monika Hoth said…
würde mich freuen ,wenn wir uns morgen in Rostock sehen,
liebe Grüße
At 1:09am on May 27, 2011, Charlotte Godart - Riverwood said…

Dear Papa, though special times like birthdays seem the nicest ones by far to tell you very lovingly how wonderful you are. You surely know you're loved a lot each day the whole year through. And are always wished the special things that mean the most to you.

Happy Birthday dad, your little boy Scott !

At 3:47pm on September 26, 2011, Chantal McIlveen-Wright said…
Many thanks for the invite Corinna and happy to become your new ES friend  :-)

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