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Rita Pike's Comments

Comment Wall (32 comments)

At 3:33am on March 13, 2009, Dee Rance said…
Oh yes...got in and out without any trouble, just got close to home, the M74 and the sky lit up, like daylight, and then...........hail stones, and they were stones crashing against the windscreen, I thought that is was going to shatter. We ended up only able to do 30mph so we went cross country, much more sheltered, but hey I was still getting my second. the highest that we have had only had 3rds before, so was pleased, would have liked a 1st but beggars can't be choosers. Will you be at ISAE? not sure if I am going to go, getting too old for all those long journeys. Speak soon Dee and the girls
At 9:52am on April 13, 2009, pat predeth said…
Hi Rita, Just goined EX SETTERS & I am suprised as to what I have found.I have only had my p/c for a few weeks,& just got my fingers to work plus the old brain cells! ha,ha.Do you remember that I make greetings cards, well last christmas a group of ladies & me sent out to the soldiers in Afghanistan over 3.500,for them to send home (free of charge) to their families I got some lovely letter's back.from them .Take care Bye for now PATX
At 1:44pm on August 5, 2009, Dee Rance said…
Hi there Rita
Just hop a train or plain and I will meet you at this end..Anyone volunteering is greatly welcomed... No I think that Mr J reminds me so much of Scarlet ''husband'' do you remember my Scarlet, probably not....but they made the most wonderful babies...Harley and her. I think perhaps he reminds you of the same boy...Eh???
Nicole has put some pictures on Saffy's blog such lovely dark babies and what wonderful heads...Hope to speak soon Love to all Dee and the girls
At 3:36pm on August 9, 2009, Vojna Medvedec said…
Nice to see you here:hopefully you take part in some interesting discussion.
Opinions of the experients of our breed are always welcome and needed if
we all want to carry on the right types and temperaments of this loving breed.
At 2:04pm on October 2, 2009, Susan Morley said…
Hi Rita,
How are you
I am still getting use to this, Terry set me up on here.
Yes we have some lovely memories, we have loads of photos that we will have to sort out.
We had such a laugh in the caravan, do you remember when Barbara locked herself in the toilet and turned on the shower l think silke was there too.
Barbara phoned yesterday and grant has a little girl born on 11th Sept. at 3lb 8oz
Love from sue x
At 10:56am on October 18, 2009, Kirsty williamson said…
Well done on getting BP at the north east with the pup you have in partnership with Teresa gisby he looks very nice on the photo on marita's site how is he bred?
Best wishes
Kirsty williamson
At 5:51am on April 4, 2010, Linda Baldry said…
Well done Rita and Simba, lovely picture as always from Barbara, enjoy your Easter x Linda and Jet xxxx
At 2:36pm on April 13, 2010, Joan Macleod said…
Thanks for the welcome - I'm enjoying looking at the site. I heard about you too! I'm not a "proper" setter person like you who breed & show but I do love my boys!!
I miss Shelagh too - she was great for a chat anytime & a real help when anything doggy was worrying me.
Maybe we'll meet up one day - Joan
At 2:34pm on May 9, 2010, Alison Ashley-Turner said…
What a lovely photo of you and Simba - what a boy:-)
At 5:59am on February 28, 2011, Dee Rance said…

Hi there Rita

I am really grateful for your comments and I am sure that I did the rite thing because if it ever happened again I would do the same....As for the owners I really hope that you are correct. But I hope to still be in contact with the vet in Tripoli he seemed really nice, didn't have to reply to me at all..And thank you so much for the offer of help. You know most of the people have been so kind with offers etc, just kind words have got me through this all. I had my first good nights sleep last night, thanks again Love Dee and the gang 

At 4:04pm on June 26, 2011, Jo parsons said…
Hi Rita, I think we may have shared a birthday this weekend! Hope you had a good day and congratulations on another Simba win!
At 2:16am on October 13, 2011, colette tuite said…
Congratulations Rita on Simbas lovely win yesterday.

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