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Lyn hathaway's Comments

Comment Wall (260 comments)

At 2:29pm on February 7, 2009, Laura Kolbach said…
btw, here you can find our "snow album" of winter 2007/2008: http://irishsetters.ning.com/photo/albums/865021:Album:44393
At 4:24pm on February 7, 2009, Laura Kolbach said…
thank you, lyn!
At 6:43am on March 8, 2009, Dee Rance said…
Thanks so much, under the circumstances it was so wonderful, (have you heard about the leaflet that came out, are you a member of ISAE?????) And thanks for the good luck on the Friday, it was a great day meeting people from the site.
Will speak soon Dee and the girls
At 12:59pm on March 8, 2009, Dee Rance said…
I gave mine to someone else BUT will try and get it from someone else and send it to you, I can send you the first draught but they cut our input out so it changed a great deal. Will try and get it to you anyway
At 1:13pm on March 9, 2009, Dee Rance said…
Hi there Lyn
Carol has written out the first paragraph of the leaflet on the blog 'Crufts 2009' it hasn't got it all in there but you will get the idea of what is being said, I will give you an email later but do let me and Carol on the blog know what you think of it.
Dee and the girls
At 2:42pm on March 11, 2009, Dee Rance said…
Hi there Lyn
Thank you for putting your problem on the site, I am thinking of putting a Forum on the site to get people talking, I don't know about you but I feel strange about ''coming out'' it has actually taken a weight of my mind, and I think yours and my problems need bringing out into the open..I must speak to Meg, (Jas's sisters owner first) but I think that she will agree to putting it on here...it is begging to look like I am stalking you on your site....
Dee and the girls
At 9:22am on March 13, 2009, Justine Foxon said…
Hi Lyn - Thanks for that! Have just looked at your photos and Arisaig looks stunning! We were up in the highlands last summer but we didn't make it to Arisaig - we are due to return this summer and will definely have a look. We have a motorhome, do you know of anywhere nice to stay nearby?
Best wishes
At 12:44am on March 14, 2009, Melinda Auld said…
Hi Lyn - thanks very much for your message. I will certainly be checking my dogs annually. I think it's great to have people who are brave enough - and who love our breed enough - to offer their own experiences as a learning tool for others. I wish you all the best.

At 10:51pm on March 16, 2009, Danica Morarova said…
Thanks very much,lyn.
Kisses to Layla and Lucy.

Nice music.:-)

At 2:27pm on March 17, 2009, Dee Rance said…
Love the new face picture just love the little lick she is giving....
Speak soon Dee and the girls
At 2:00pm on March 24, 2009, Ana Gaspar Kozelj said…
Layla and Lucy are so cute. I see they are good friends :) Wish you all the best !
At 10:17pm on March 28, 2009, Phil Ledbetter said…
I've not seen a setter with such a curly head! Very cute. My new foster is Nola. She is quite small. She never barks and is so sweet. Hunts constantly for our cat. It's so funny. She bumps into the coffee table still, but we try to warn her. I'll keep you informed.
At 3:07am on April 7, 2009, Dee Rance said…
Hi there Lyn
Jas and I thank you for you wonderful congratulations on her birthday, it was nice talking to you the other day, though I wish I hadn't upset you so. You know that I am only at the end of the phone if you ever feel like talking again, and I do hope that we can meet soon, I will be going to Leeds so hope that you will be able to get there....All the best and thanks again Dee and the girls
At 5:23am on April 7, 2009, Dee Rance said…
Hi there Lyn
I haven't stopped crying today, people have been so kind with their comments, it will be so nice to meet you at Leeds, I think it may be a good idea to take a lot of tissues I have a feeling that we will start each other off, that said can't wait to meet you....Jas Saffy and Busby (Nicoles Gordon Boy) were in the woods yesterday and Jas was playing so well she was spinning and jumping and had a wonderful time, she only lost us once, which was wonderful, she is at the moment dreaming on the settee 'barking'........they cope better than us....
Thank you again Dee and the girls ps you have my number any time!!!!
At 10:03am on April 9, 2009, Rosie Dudley said…
Hello Lyn,

I wondered if I could speak to you about Layla. The AHT are starting to look at Late Onset PRA with the blood samples they have. Have you submitted blood from Layla ? If not please email me at rosie.dudley@btopenworld.com and I'll let you know what to do.

Many thanks

At 9:41am on April 18, 2009, Sandra Mather said…
Hello a big cuddle back from shadow and thanks for our message ..I am sorry to notice your setter has pra problem. It must be so nice having a comp for her..I have just looked at your pics which are so lovely.So from shadow and his family we send cuddles to layla...
At 2:09am on April 28, 2009, Carol Gill said…
Hi Lyn
thanks for the comments on Liam, at his age i dont know what to do with the cataracts it is a lot of money to have them removed i have heard that some homeopathis remidies can help with the cataracts so i will be looking into that at the moment he is a happy contented dog and enjoys all the walks cuddles and friendship of all his doggy pals and i must admit my young Irish Ryan is very good with his grandad (((hugs))) Carol x
At 2:37am on April 28, 2009, Jenny Ronnebro said…
Many thanks for the comment about our Siofra, nowadays a champion!!! Greetings Jenny
At 2:00pm on April 28, 2009, Kirsty williamson said…
so sorry to hear your latest news on Layla but she sounds a very happy well adjusted dog who is obviously loved to pieces and you sound as though you are coping admirably. Was she the only one affected in her litter?
enjoy her she is a very precious little girl
Best wishes
At 2:55pm on April 28, 2009, Dee Rance said…
Lyn your beautiful Layla is so so brave and so are you, thank you for being so brave to put what you have put, I know how difficult this is, if only the people who are saying that this isn't so much of a problem, could just walk in your shoes for a few days, to see this beautiful girl of yours trying to find her way around somewhere that she doesn't know, they would be horrified, as I said you are all so brave in discussing this, please everyone who reads this please GET YOUR DOGS EYES TESTED, we need a DNA test for this, and I am sure that there are more out there than just Layla, and the couple of others on this site, a BIG THANK YOU LYN and big hugs to you all from us all here

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