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Anastasija Nujic's Comments

Comment Wall (27 comments)

At 3:39am on August 21, 2007, Laura Kolbach said…
Hi Anastasija, welcome to this site. I think you'll be addicted to it very soon as many others here :-)
At 3:41am on August 21, 2007, Anastasija Nujic said…
Thanks Laura! I'm already addicted to it :-))
At 4:37am on August 21, 2007, Alenka Pokorn said…
Hi Stasi, great to see you've finally found us.

Love, Alenka
At 4:44am on August 21, 2007, Anastasija Nujic said…
Dear Alenka,
I' m very pleased to be a member. Edon sends a big kiss to his mummy and to you.
We are all looking forward to seeing you at the show this weekend.
At 5:21am on August 21, 2007, Kristina Brannlund Westin said…
Hello and welcome!

Very nice picture of you and your lovely dogs!

At 6:13am on August 21, 2007, Anastasija Nujic said…
Thank you very much!
Best regards from Zagreb
At 10:43am on August 21, 2007, Jelena Kreitmayer said…
Hi Anastasija,
Welcome to the site :)
At 11:31pm on August 21, 2007, Christoph Ostendorf said…
Greetings from M`eudail Tangerine Dream "Gina"
At 1:16am on August 22, 2007, Anastasija Nujic said…
Gina's brother sends her best regards from Zagreb :-))
At 9:04am on August 23, 2007, watergirl0153226 said…
What a nice picture of you with your setters! Best wishes to Edon and Wrenn.
Barb Janicek
At 1:20am on August 24, 2007, Anastasija Nujic said…
Thank you, Barb!
Greetings from Zagreb
At 1:33pm on September 5, 2007, Dušan Rauški said…
Edi je bio jako dobar i predan zadatku ;)
Cekamo rezultate sada i nadamo se najboljem.

Sve najbolje
At 3:53am on September 6, 2007, Anastasija Nujic said…
Pozdrav iz Zagreba,
drago mi je da se moj Edi trudio i nadam se da cemo imati razloga za veselje u novembru :-)) Pozdrav tebi i tvojim slatkim psima od mene, Edona i Wrenn
At 6:38am on September 25, 2007, Myra Thomas-Rhodes said…
Greetings from Downunder, Anastasija.Wrenn looks lovely...I had one called the same, about 23 years ago.Her name was Amhurst Rendition, Wren for short.
I have a friend who owns one of my Irish, who comes from Croatia.She lives about twenty minutes from me here in Western Australia.
At 12:07am on September 28, 2007, Anastasija Nujic said…
Dear Myra,
I was very happy to hear that someone has/had an Irish Setter called Wrenn. She doesn't have any other names. My Wrenn is very gentle, fine and friendly. She's a real girl. Your dogs are lovely and I see that you are a real Setter expert.
Best regards from Europe to you, your nice dogs and to your friend from Croatia
(p.s. that's my name for short)
At 1:24am on December 27, 2007, Anastasija Nujic said…
Marry Christmas to you and to brother Tim and the whole family.
Enjoy the Christmas
At 4:00am on January 1, 2008, Christoph Ostendorf said…
Happy New Year

Greetings from Gina
At 12:58am on January 2, 2008, Anastasija Nujic said…
All the best for you in 2008!

Best regards from Edon
At 6:55pm on February 7, 2008, Vojna Medvedec said…
Sorry for the loss of your Wren-my Master's daughter!
At 1:52am on February 8, 2008, Anastasija Nujic said…
Thank you, Vojna! I'm very sorry, too. She was really a special dog, beutiful and gentle, a real lady.

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