Exclusively Setters

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Sanna Kopola's Comments

Comment Wall (13 comments)

At 11:00am on August 11, 2007, Loma I. Clark said…
Thanks for the "Hello". Its wonderful to be meeting so many new friends around the world.

Loma and Abbott, USA
At 11:51am on August 11, 2007, Agnieszka Dufrat 'Neiven' said…
Hi Sanna,
Welcome to this wonderful site for irish setter owner and breeder. Hope we will see here photos of Dennis ;)
Best Greetings
At 2:18pm on August 11, 2007, Sari Lahtinen said…
Hello Sanna
Nice to meet also you in here. Hugs for Dennis.
All the best

At 11:46am on August 12, 2007, Kati Mäkelä said…
Hi there and welcome :o)

Kati and girls.
At 12:43pm on August 12, 2007, Pauliina Artiola said…
Kukkelikuu Suomen Turusta:)
Kisses to Dennis-Boy from Pulmu-the-girlfriend!
Take Care,
P &co
At 8:46am on August 14, 2007, watergirl0153226 said…
Dear Sanna,
I have been enjoying your pictures. You and your husband's setter are quite the pair! Best wishes to you for future successes in all your competitions.
Barb Janicek
At 7:41am on August 18, 2007, Mikkoy said…
Hello Sanna!
Hope we'll meet soon, and have some new photos of D and d! ;)
At 4:16am on August 22, 2007, francesca Reynaud said…
i am waiting september to show panda and finish her junior warrant yes please if you have the photos of my baby send all to me on my e mail francesca.rey@libero .it. is difficult to conctact juha if you spoke whith him tell to him a lot of thanks from me for panda and quincy pedigree arrived yesterday and all ok,quincy is really a big boy whith strong caracter he likes to do only wat he wants big kiss francesca
At 2:38pm on August 27, 2007, Vilja Vehkaoja said…
Huge congrats for all the succes lately! Go Dennis, go go!
At 3:17am on September 11, 2007, francesca Reynaud said…
sanna a lot of compliments for dennis last wins from panda and quincy and also for lhasa wins a lot of kiss francesca
At 9:40am on September 27, 2007, Asta Nummenranta said…
Yeah, we got lost in here too... ;) Nice site. Greetings to Dennis too!<3 C ya!
At 7:28am on March 18, 2008, francesca Reynaud said…
dear sanna only a few news from italy to tell also to juha,last week end quincy won the breed and arrive 3 in the group,a good result for my little boy only 11 month.kiss to everybody and beliving to see you all very soon kiss francesca
At 12:34pm on December 31, 2008, francesca Reynaud said…

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