Exclusively Setters

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Marie's Comments

Comment Wall (93 comments)

At 5:37pm on March 15, 2008, Laura Kolbach said…
hello Marie, welcome here! only one word: ENJOY the site!
laura and the girls
At 8:56pm on March 15, 2008, Myra Thomas-Rhodes said…
Hello Marie,
Welcome and Enjoy!!
Missy looks just lovely sitting there above.
Good Luck with her and Nome's babies.
At 1:24am on March 16, 2008, JOANNE said…
Hi Marie
Glad to see you here at last.Missy looks just lovely.Can hardly wait to have her daughter here with us soon counting down the days. Love.Jo.XXX
At 4:17am on March 24, 2008, Karen said…
Hi Marie
Thanks, this looks like a good place to be
At 9:17pm on March 24, 2008, Karen said…
Hi Marie
How's the puppies going, any more pics.

Love Karen
At 7:24am on April 18, 2008, Myra Thomas-Rhodes said…
Hello Marie,
How is everything with you and Grant?
How are your puppies looking?
Myra XX
At 6:56am on June 1, 2008, Sandra Mather said…
hello ive got red setters only. Are your puppies all homed now.Ive got a litter myself isnt it wonderful watching them grow.My son is in Aussie land at the moment.
At 4:51pm on June 1, 2008, Dee Rance said…
I used to have 14 acres and the girls loved it but the sheep didn't like then in their field. I have never got one of my Irish to that sought of age, 10 is the oldest, they all went with bloat at that age, hears hoping for my girls to get past it this time, I will dread it when it comes, all the best Dee and the girls
At 2:35am on June 2, 2008, Sandra Mather said…
At the moment he is in Alice Springs but plans to get back to Sydney he has a job which he was doing before going there to go back to. he arr first in brisbane then went Broken hill , and perth,melbourne , then to sydney. Hes doing a backpack/and work holiday so combining all. He should be home for aug his visa of 12mths. He wants to do a return thats as much as we know at this stage.Its lovely when you breed a little one and they get there prizes you feel so proud.
At 4:00am on June 3, 2008, Sandra Mather said…
morning, or in your case evening.We have rain here so we had a soggy walk. K hasnt moved this morning yet, so she hasnt had a walk ,I took food to her. When the rain has a break ill stretch her legs.How much land do you have, only i assume unlike us who walk our dogs i expect you have a field or two for them to run in.
At 6:56am on June 3, 2008, Sandra Mather said…
ive just taken her in our woods the lady who visited to pups as just left so i quickly took her in the woods whilst it stopped raining its now started again. it looks set for the day. Whilst Ash was there he couldnt get a job on a farm due to the rain floods but it soon dryed up thankfully for him to get this job. Ive not heard from him so i think he maybe on his way to sydney.He was due to leave the farm this week anyhow.Wish i could send these rain clouds to you.
At 7:44am on June 3, 2008, Dee Rance said…
Oh yes I know what you mean, I have lost a few at 10 and the rest range from 18months 2years and so it goes up to 10, but my mongrels one of them when at 7 and the other at 15 and my Akitas were 7, 14 and 15 so its just this breed that I find difficult, It is so hard to loose them with old age but that seems O.K. because they have had a full life but the 18 months 2 years is so hard they have had a chance to live life to the full. I suppose its like humans we all go at different ages!!! Oh can we get off the subject of loosing them......Have you been to any shows lately?? I am off to two open shows this weekend and then two Championship shows next weekend going across to Belfast... Dee and the girls
At 12:44pm on June 5, 2008, Sandra Mather said…
ive added some more pics you will love these ones.Ive not heard from my son i hoping he gets in touch sat as thats when he usually rings.We had it nice her yesterday then last night rain and today fine but did have a shower this afternoon.
At 8:42am on June 6, 2008, Sandra Mather said…
hi been busy this morning, trying to catch up on things i dont have enough hours sometime to get things done.Alll is well with the brood. Ive had a email of a lady in perth after a puppy and she answered my add and she didnt know i was in england but the strangest thing is her brother lives my way and its perth where she is.
At 3:41pm on June 6, 2008, Sandra Mather said…
Im in stoke on trent, a place called weston coyney.Its the potteries.So how come you went to aussieland your jobs or just a chance liking of the place and stopped.Our neighour a couple of doors up he went out there must be 2-3 yrs ago now hes electrician.He had grown up next door but one and then his mum moved out and as he was living with his wife elsewhere came back and lived in the house for about 5 yrs then of to australia he went.
At 8:41am on June 7, 2008, Dee Rance said…
Oh yes!! Got my Irish title a couple of weeks ago and got 3 out of 3 just this morning, as you say that's showing!! a puppy got B.O.B. today. It was only an open show, and I have always said that I would never show my old girl at open shows any more, she is too specialised, she will appeal to the breed specialist but not always to the all rounder.
Oh well another show tomorrow, another open show, but I was just doing the committee a hand as to numbers. Although don't have to go very far for this weekends shows, thank goodness. Well done though with your baby girl is there a picture of her???? Dee and the girls
At 3:03pm on June 7, 2008, Dee Rance said…
Thanks for the congratulations on Jas she is so very special, she is beautiful and special, I know that they are all special but some of them just have that something extra, and she is one of them. She has had a hard day at the show and now is flat out on the floor, cant get comfy on the settee, spoke too soon she is now helping me type this. Not easy with a dog 'perched' on your arm......Dee and the girls
At 7:01am on June 8, 2008, Sandra Mather said…
hi well a busy few days of worming,weighing and feeding. Allthe joy of owning these little bungles.ive had another pup spoken for which is nice.
At 3:33pm on June 10, 2008, Sandra Mather said…
i weigh them every week and make a notebook on every litter so i know then i can look back on previous litters if i get a problem duplicated. i draw all patches against the weigh ins so i know which is which but this litter the patches keep changing where other litters its been ok.but the wieght against the patch helps. never used wool tried nail enamel once . i put collars on at 5-6 wks that def helps me.They are growing well now with the extra feeds of me. ill give them meat to try soon the top teeth though but bottom still coming though.
At 3:49pm on June 10, 2008, Sandra Mather said…
ive got 5 spoken for. so thats 4 to go. but as im unsure of two which dont know wether to have boy or girl ive got to wait and see for both them.so 2boys 1 girls and 2 ?Ive not got a supper feed yet till next step on meat then it will be supper to add to the list and stop mum getting in to much. thats the hardest job getting her to relax and let me take over. She thinks its her job and noone else should help its lovely when you think how they are.

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