Hello Ursula, thanks for joining and sharing your experience with obedience training. I'm sure you'd get bored if you chose a different breed - you would miss the challenge! I train my dogs in obedience and search & rescue - I also thought maybe I'd be better off with a different breed... but my old lady Shannon and before her Amber proved all wrong by working in the highest grades. Keep up the good work!
Hello Ursula, I've enjoyed reading your introduction. I also agree with Susan, after training Irish everything else is boriiiiiiing. I train my dogs in basic obedience and agility (we don't compete). Here in Slovenia some Irish have been used in avalanche rescue, Susan also does that I believe. Love, Alenka
Hi Ursula,
Thanks for comment my photos. Your dogs look wonderful at amaizing photos. You live in very nice place. Kisses for the dogs :*
Best Greetings
kanske det. vet ej. men man kommenterar ju inte negativt, vore ju elakt...
men du, kan du inte ladda upp lite av dina roliga teckningar oxå? :-) älskar dina kåserier! synd att jag inte har tillgång till hundsport, osv så ofta.
Hallå Laura,
Ja men många bilder är ju RIKTIGT roliga, bra och spännande. Det är kanske dom man borde skriva en liten komentar på. Och inte bry sig om dom som man inte gillar. Det var roligt att du gillar mina kåserier! Tack för det! men jag vet inte angående teckningarna...kanske framöver. Jag har inte originalen här hemma utan dom ligger i tryggt förvar på Hundsport. Så det blir till att scanna ur tidningen...Ha det gott!
Hi Ursula,
maybe you are right and it would be worth having a go with a Border Collie. When I see Mary Ray working with her BCs it brings tears to my eyes. I don't think you can get that kind of dedication/addiction from an irish... at least, not in obedience:-)
Ursula - No, I'm sorry, I didn't receive your illustrations! I have a "spam filter" and since I don't have your true email address to put on a "whitelist" (always accepted), I guess they went into the netherworld!
If you would send me your real email address, I can put you on the whitelist because I really would like to see! Or, sometimes when I check the filter I see a subject line that I recognize and can pass that email on through to be read! so if you don't want to divulge email you could let me know in advance a distinctive subject line, like "Ursula's Work" or something that would identify it as coming from you.
And I note that you have really customized your Exclusively Setters homepage -what a great idea! I can't even get the background changed to "denim"!
Yours in Computer-challenged world, Londa Delete Comment
Hello Ursula, just looked through your photos - loved the wedding picture!
re BC I think the problem is they are like drug addicts when working and anything that upsets them can cause an extreme reaction. Talk about Irish setters being highly strung... We have quite a few Malinois here in Switzerland and quite often they are trained in a way that they suddenly explode... very dangerous!
Hi Ursula,
enjoyed your photos. Admire your work with irish setter! That is really something ! Armydog.
I have some problems with my page,recived your friend request. Be glad to accept it,but it won't show the link to click.
Exclusively Setters
Home for Irish Setter Lovers Around the World
Ursula wilby's Comments
Comment Wall (693 comments)
Welcome to the site :)
I hope you will enjoy everything here..
yep so now its your turn to hunt old and friends, there is allot of them here :)
This could be fun!
Thanks for comment my photos. Your dogs look wonderful at amaizing photos. You live in very nice place. Kisses for the dogs :*
Best Greetings
men du, kan du inte ladda upp lite av dina roliga teckningar oxå? :-) älskar dina kåserier! synd att jag inte har tillgång till hundsport, osv så ofta.
Ja men många bilder är ju RIKTIGT roliga, bra och spännande. Det är kanske dom man borde skriva en liten komentar på. Och inte bry sig om dom som man inte gillar. Det var roligt att du gillar mina kåserier! Tack för det! men jag vet inte angående teckningarna...kanske framöver. Jag har inte originalen här hemma utan dom ligger i tryggt förvar på Hundsport. Så det blir till att scanna ur tidningen...Ha det gott!
maybe you are right and it would be worth having a go with a Border Collie. When I see Mary Ray working with her BCs it brings tears to my eyes. I don't think you can get that kind of dedication/addiction from an irish... at least, not in obedience:-)
Allt väl i Skåne, roligt att titta på alla fina bilder du lagt upp!
Vi hörs!
Kisses! :)
If you would send me your real email address, I can put you on the whitelist because I really would like to see! Or, sometimes when I check the filter I see a subject line that I recognize and can pass that email on through to be read! so if you don't want to divulge email you could let me know in advance a distinctive subject line, like "Ursula's Work" or something that would identify it as coming from you.
And I note that you have really customized your Exclusively Setters homepage -what a great idea! I can't even get the background changed to "denim"!
Yours in Computer-challenged world, Londa Delete Comment
re BC I think the problem is they are like drug addicts when working and anything that upsets them can cause an extreme reaction. Talk about Irish setters being highly strung... We have quite a few Malinois here in Switzerland and quite often they are trained in a way that they suddenly explode... very dangerous!
enjoyed your photos. Admire your work with irish setter! That is really something ! Armydog.
I have some problems with my page,recived your friend request. Be glad to accept it,but it won't show the link to click.
On 20 August I am going to the seaside. Perhaps you will see me ;)
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