Exclusively Setters

Home for Irish Setter Lovers Around the World

What was your first Irish Setter encounter?

The first time I met an Irish Setter was March of 1993. I had a first date with a woman who I would eventually date for 3 1/2 years. When she opened the door, Chelsea was barking away. After introducing us, she volunteered that "Irish Setters are the most beautiful dogs in the world". While I thought Chelsea was beautiful, I was not prepared to concede that title to red heads at that moment but did not want to start a fight 5 minutes into a first date. I later found out that Chelsea was her ex-husband's dog. We moved in together for about 18 months and then when she moved out, I got custody of the fur kid. So, my first Setter was my ex-girlfriend's ex-husband's dog!

And over the years, I have learned that she was right. Irish Setters are the most beautiful dogs in the world!!

How about you? How did you get involved with Irish Setters?

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I love this poem....I had a china mug with it printed on one side and a picture of a setters head on the other,unfortunately, I am a bit clumsy when it comes to china mugs and it ended up hitting the tiled floor in my kitchen :((

Our last dog had crossed the Rainbow Bridge.  We were planning on going to the local shelter to adopt a dog.  At the time, my sister had a co-worker who had a friend who was trying to rehome an Irish Setter.  My sister called me and said we could get an AKC registered, show Irish Setter who was 13 months old.  Well, I did not want an Irish Setter----I had heard they were stupid, hyper, all the really awful doggie traits.  It turned out the dog's owner was having no luck in rehoming him (his name was Romeo) and was planning on having him put down.  I did not want that on me, so I agreed to take him.  It tuned out, we were his fourth family and he had been abused.  He turned out to be the most loving, wonderful dog.  When he crossed over the Rainbow Bridge, we went to Irish Setter rescue to give another animal a home.  They are truly great dogs. I think the most loving I've ever encountered.

My first introduction to Setters was as a six year old girl. A friend in my class at primary school, her mother had a IS stud dog and her mother used to bring him along when she picked her daughter up from school and I was fascinated by him, both is beauty and his character.

Circumstances weren't right for almost 18 years, either financially or time wise for me to get a Setter and then my mum decided she'd bite the bullet and get one herself, he's now been 'adopted' by me as her circumstances have changed so he is now on a 'custody agreement' with both me and her :-D.

I can honestly say that I don't think I would ever have any other breed, I am a complete and utter super fan of the breed because as far as I am concerned, they have the whole package :-).




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