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We 'stay-at-homes' are impatiently waiting for news from the World Show... I will keep looking at the results link under

Who will be the lucky winners???

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They were not Swedish or Scandinavian or SC owned...
I don't think that was the problem. Plenty of Scandinavian dogs got good or very good. I don't think the level of quality in our breed is so low that only 30% of dogs would get an excellent. Please, those who were actually there, can you explain this???
No, we (or at least not me) have no explanation - we can only assume it was the judges opinion on the day. They where no dogs being lame or anything else obvious.
also for as is really strange thing...a quality of ours dogs is not low now...too much dogs got "GOOD" and "VERY GOOD", it is incredible things.
Many important dogs got VERY GOOD, the judgement of Champion Class was scandalous.
I have never seen a Champion Class with 7 dogs, in their opinion, even excellent.
We won the class with Vicary's Yogibear with his first Very Good of his life ... I think we don't need other words.
Yes Valery I was most surprised about Yogi. I saw him only a few months ago and he looks wonderful. Will never understand why he would get a very good???? Was there a written report or any comment from the judge?
I don't know why ...he don't tell me anything and on the report nothing special bad thing. He write Good condition for 8,5 years old, beautiful top line and body, rich and good coat, move well.....i would know why is Very Good for him....maybe i dronk a lot the day before show!!!!
Was terrible also for respect to the other 100 judges to give him EXC - CACIB - BOB - BOG - BIS...all others judges are crazy?????
It would seem so. I mean each day it is possbile something goes wrong with your dog - he may limp, he may not want to show, he may not feel well - so may get a very good. but this must be said in the report. You can't write all is OK and then give a very good!!!!!!!
Sure everythng is possible...but all champions limp...not want show...that's crazy. I have also video of champion class and for me is nice class...nobody limp and nobody is a Very Good dog.... Buy that's it and we cannot change anything...i can only remeber tihs day forever :-)
I saw Yogi in Bratislava and I can only agree with everything you said. Yogi got all his results in different countries, from judges here and there - hunters, show judges, the whole lot. My impression is that the British judges when judging on the continent are eiter extremely soft and hand out nothing but excelents, or they are the complete opposite and don't hand out any. I think it is partly due to the difference in the British and FCI-standard. So some are not quite sure of them and so this happens. But Yogi is stlll better than the whole lot to me - make no mistake about it, but then I am no judge.
also it seems like the male judge was very very harsh on most of dogs. The percentage of good/very good is quite different than the bitches. I seriously doubt it that the quality of bitches and dogs was so big. ..
I noticed that too. There were fewer bitch entries, but much more excellents.
I looked on the circuit show results but the shows are not even posted there. Anyone know?




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