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Hello everyone!

My Ruby loves the mud and every walk can guarantee a puddle even on hot summer days smellier the better.

Was wondering how often you bath your setters and what products you all use?


Kate and ruby x

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he he! The way we do is that we have a walk-in shower at home in our bathroom instead of a bath tube.. and I simply go in the shower with Oberon, with my swim suit:)

and, yes, the bathroom is a complete mess when we finish;)

great idea the redheads shampoo!!! XX

What a great idea KC.

Hi KC and the Boys, None of my English Setters would take kindly to the thought of being hosed outside with cold water!! They are all bathed in the bath tub using warm water from a spray nozzle on the tap. My English Setters sleep with me on the bed. They sit with me on the couch. Heaven forbid that they would be expected to be anywhere else!! Have you read the story of Cider the English Setter? This is an excerpt: "It was clear at the outset that he had a mind of his own. That night I put him in an outdoor run set away from the house and surrounded by an eight-foot fence. Some time in the wee hours I was woken up by a soulful wail directly under my bedroom window. I have no idea how he climbed out of the run; still less how he knew which window was mine. Sleepily I stumbled downstairs to let him in. He'd never seen a flight of stairs before, but he trotted up them confidently beside me, looked over my bedroom, and selected an overstuffed chair in which he slept every night the rest of his life."

I cry every time I read this story. An English Setter is a very special breed indeed, and I am happy to be ruled by their paw. I never feel alone. Susan

Have not read this story but I think it's one I would enjoy, can't find it on e books do you have the authors name? Thanks.

Dear Valerie, Because I love this story about Cider the English Setter so much I have included this on my English Setter Breed web page of my website for Beau www.findingbeau.com/english_setters.htm. If you click on this link, you can read the full story, and I am certain you will cry.

The full title is: 'A Dog Named Cider. A loving portrait of a companion who was proud, domineering, possessive, and every inch an English gentleman'. This story was written by Corey Ford in 1965. I showed Corey's words in italic in my comment above to highlight that these were not my words but I forgot to show his name.

Cider's story was sent to me by the breeder of my English Setter, Hobson many years ago because she knows how much I love this breed. Breeders like Hobson's breeder do not seem to exist anymore unfortunately.

Valerie, I know you will enjoy this story, but have your tissues ready because you will certainly cry. Susan xxxx

Just read the story of Cider, you are right Susan it is a lovely story thank you X

Dear Susan thank you for your reply, you were correct on two counts regarding the tissues. I went onto your web site and read your story about your dear Beau, which had the tears rolling.
How very very sad this was a truly awful thing to have happened to you, Beau and his family.

The story of Cider was a lovely story and a tear jerker I agree.

I am uploading a photo of my beautiful Irish Boy Bracken and my daughters English Setter Daisy who she rescued last year. Daisy is a lovely girl she has made my daughter so happy and has found herself a very loving home.
Shampoo sounds great! I will have to see if we can buy it here. I'd love to try it.
That's lovely Susan.....really lovely!

I looked up hozelock porta shower that Valerie said about looks like a good idea so ordered 2 one for soap one for rinsing. At the moment I use a baby bath for feet and undercarriage when we get back from a muddy walk, I too use warm water and if I prepare it before going out it is cold before we return, so hoping this will keep the water warm longer. I will let you know.

oh a baby bath of course!! sorry lightbulb moment lol!! have been wondering what to put my boys in after a walk so that I can hose them down after a muddy walk... I have a cold hose outside but they will never stand still and the water just pools on the patio...problem solved!!.thanks so much Angela!!

Charity shop is a good place for a baby bath, silly to pay for a new one to hang outside all weathers.




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