Exclusively Setters

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Hello everyone!

My Ruby loves the mud and every walk can guarantee a puddle even on hot summer days smellier the better.

Was wondering how often you bath your setters and what products you all use?


Kate and ruby x

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We use a bath from a builders merchants and an electric shower we put up in a cabin outside with a hose and shower head to the outside...larger then a baby bath and we can get them to lay down in it too in better weather, so good for rinsing.

I've seen the hozelock porta shower used by local dog walkers. Very useful for a quick rinse of the paws and undercarriage but maybe not for a full throttle wash . I find that Setters require quite a few rinse "cycles".   

The horse shampoo lasts ages and is easier to work if it's diluted in bowl first. It only costs £6 or so on Ebay for 500ml. I like a bargain.

Susan - lovely story indeed. My boys sit on my couch, too - I'm not that cruel. I'm sure they did not enjoy the cold water treatment much. Then again they don't think twice jumping into the icy sea or dew pond - even in the middle of winter. Maybe I should say that they don't enjoy the CLEAN water treatment much....     




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