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Has any member been advised by their vet that the blood test results for their dog revealed Chronic Inflammation? If so, what was the health diagnosis of the dog at the time? How was the diagnosis of Chronic Inflammation explained by the vet? And what treatment was recommended by the vet?  

For those members who have never heard of Chronic Inflammation this is a link to an article in Dogs Naturally magazine http://www.dogsnaturallymagazine.com/nsaids-inflammation-and-a-caut...

I will wait to see if I receive any answers to this question before I explain why I have asked it.

For those members who care about my English Setter, Hobson unfortunately I have to tell you that he is holding onto his life by a thread. I cannot even take one day at a time. When we go to bed at night or when we wake up in the morning, Hobson might appear to be alright. This can change in a matter of hours. Hobson is still fighting and I am beside him 24/7 doing everything I can to help him continue to live. Unfortunately I know only too well that the final outcome is completely out of my hands. It's not over yet though!!

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Good on you Hobson and congrats Susan:)

I am writing a blog for Hobson to celebrate his 12th Birthday on 10 June 2015. I thought I would have my “vent” now in this forum topic. 

Hobson has been receiving ongoing treatment from the University of Queensland (UQ) veterinary hospital since 14 May 2014, more than 12 months now. The reason for the Chronic Inflammation in his blood test results in April 2014 has been determined. All my questions have now been answered. Hobson has been suffering from Demodectic Mange for many years. Demodectic mange is an inflammatory disease. Hence, the diagnostic result of Chronic Inflammation. 

When this inflammatory disease becomes generalised, as happened with Hobson because he was never correctly diagnosed by any of the 6 vets I sought help from after Dr Ian Hobson resigned in late 2008, this disease is very difficult to “cure” and can be life-threatening, as happened with Hobson. 

Demodectic Mange is not contagious. Demodectic mange results from a compromised immune system. 

Hobson has been suffering chronic pain since October 2010 because of a neck injury. All the 6 vets ignored me. 1 of these vets is a registered chiropractor. These 6 vets include so-called “holistic” vets. A bowen therapist and a canine acupuncturist also misdiagnosed Hobson. A chiropractor correctly diagnosed Hobson on 20 December 2013. However, the chiropractic treatment was much too severe for Hobson because his condition had been untreated for so long. 

The most likely reason for Hobson’s immune system becoming compromised is because of the chronic pain he suffered from/and the undiagnosed and untreated neck injury which eventually damaged his spine, his pelvis and his hind legs. 

It is just as well I did not do as I was told and give the drug, Atopica to Hobson, even though his vet turned his back on him – unethical behaviour to say the very least, because immune-suppressant drugs should never be given to a dog who is suffering from Demodectic Mange. If I had done as I was told Hobson would surely have died and I would never have received any answers. 

The reason for Hobson’s high temperature in April 2015 was because of his severe pain. It is fortunate I trusted my own knowledge and intuition and handled Hobson’s neck so carefully because Hobson was at extreme risk of becoming permanently paralysed. Hobson is now permanently disabled because he has suffered irreversible damage to his neck, spine, pelvis and his hind legs. His cruciate ligaments have been damaged in both hind legs, he has developed severe arthritis and he has also suffered neurological damage in both hind legs. Hobson had another setback in November 2014, soon after I posted the video of him, but he is now walking again .. very slowly and not for long periods of time .. but he is walking again. It breaks my heart when I allow myself to think about all of this because Hobson used to be a strong, athletic English Setter (and he used to have a beautiful coat). I have not seen Hobson play or run since the morning before my English Setter, Annie died on 25 June 2012. I doubt I will ever see Hobson play or run with Misty or any dog again, but he is alive, and he is happy, and he is enjoying his life to the best of his ability. 

Even though Hobson has been given off-label Ivermectin sheep drench for more than 12 months now the Demodex mites have still not been completely eradicated. These terrible mites continue to target Hobson’s spine, front legs and the hind area of his body. However, all the scale has gone from many areas of his body, his coat is growing again and the colour is returning to his coat. The only suitable shampoo is Malaseb and he still needs to be bathed 1 – 2 times a week. I am hoping very much that the remaining areas of scale on his body will disappear within the next 6 months, or sooner. I will be so pleased when I can stop the Ivermectin. Hobson’s case is too serious for natural products to kill the mites now. 

Hobson still requires twice-daily cleaning of his ears and his eyes and twice daily checking of all areas of his skin. Recently he had another bacterial infection in his ears but fortunately this cleared up after 1 course of antibiotics. Hobson’s UQ vet is thorough and took a sample to test before she prescribed antibiotics. Hobson did not suffer a reaction when the antibiotics ceased, I believe because of his diet which includes natural probiotics, etc. Untreated demodectic mange results in secondary bacterial infections. Hobson’s health had been so grossly mismanaged by “GP vets” that he developed Septicaemia. 

Hobson has never had an auto-immune health condition. “GP vets” need to stop guessing. “GP vets” need to understand the importance of getting the diagnosis right. “GP vets” need to listen to the owner of the dog. 

This is a photo of Hobson taken on his 2nd day in the Intensive Care Unit of the UQ veterinary hospital on 16 May 2014. Understandably he was not expected to live. 

Despite his critical condition above, Hobson’s recent blood tests have improved though he still has an inflammatory condition because he still has Demodex mites living and defecating inside of his body and creating toxins. I believe Hobson’s diet is helping him. Hobson’s immune system must be improving because his coat would not be improving otherwise. (The skin is the largest organ of the body). Hobson required high dosage antibiotics for 6 months after his admission to the UQ ICU. He has been coping very well without any drugs except for his pain medication which are not NSAIDs. 

Hobson has had blood in his faeces and in his urine but these have cleared. His UQ vet believes the blood in his urine is due to his prostate gland. Hobson was desexed by a vet I had never met without my knowledge or permission. Hobson’s scrotum was removed without my permission. Not enough stitches were placed in the wound. I was never happy with the surgery. Again, this is unethical behaviour but appears to be the norm with “GP vets” in Australia. Hobson is still suffering the consequences from this surgery. This is why I did not want to allow any of these “GP vets” to spey Misty. 

Hobson still has proteinurea and an enlarged kidney but he continues to improve and he continues to defy the odds. Hobson has an incredible will to keep living. His healing is a “continuing work in progress”. His UQ vet often says at our regular monthly visits: “Hobson continues to surprise us”. Everyone involved in his care is celebrating his 12th Birthday milestone.

This is a photo of Hobson with his dear sister, Misty on 4 June 2015 after his check-up at UQ. (Misty is not impressed because I have a camera in my hand). 

The continual “stuff-ups” of “GP vets” and some “specialist vets” have caused my animal children to suffer unnecessarily, have caused me to suffer an indescribable level of worry and heart-ache, and have cost me a significant amount of money. Many of my English Setter and horse children have died. Hobson is one of the “lucky” ones even though he is permanently disabled. Every time we visit UQ I speak to dog owners who have suffered similar experiences. It is rare that I do not speak to a dog owner when I am walking Hobson and Misty who do not share similar experiences. These endemic problems in the vet industry in Australia need to be addressed. Vets did not use to behave this way. There is too much focus on $$$$’s, too much selfishness and too much arrogance of human beings who earn a living from the “animal industry”.  

I will only talk about happy things in Hobson’s 12th Birthday blog, only 2 days away now. 

Nice to see a standing Hobson, getting ready for his cake :)))))))))))))))))))




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