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Just wondered if anybody had any of Irene Munro's Fetteresk Irish Setters..... Just being curious ...



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Delia, if you are interested I am sure Irene Munro could tell you.
Yes of course, but I meant on this site (sorry wasnt clear there!) .... I seem to have made time now in my daily routine to look at all the fab pictures on this site and was thrilled when you pointed out that your Louis was grandfather to Murphy ... Just hoped the kennel name would spark some interest! We spent a lovely afternoon with Irene last week and Murphy had a ball! Shame his Gran was in season as he didnt get playing with the girls but hopefully next time!
Hi, I have just joined the site and we have Fetteresk Never Come Back.

Hi Graham, welcome here...

VBG... "Never Come Back"... now that would not be an Irish Setter by any chance??? ;o))

He lives up to the name. When he does come back its in his own time and only because he wants to. :)
Not sure but maybe Graham did a search and found this, its over a year old and I was just curious to see if any litter mates were on here. Glad I did as a dog from the same litter is on here and is very similar to Murphy. Thanks Mel though as you are right Irene would likely tell me lots if I asked she really was a terrific help when Murphy was ill, doing much more than I ever expected helping us out and visiting and checking on him.




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