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FOOD: Low Protein, Grain Free, AND Affordable???

Okay, I know that inexpensive dog food that is also high quality is not available, but just thought I'd throw that last one in there.  Cosmo is now 7 months old and has had a series of ear infections, mostly yeast, since we brought him home from the breeders in April.  The vet thought perhaps it was just a stress reaction to leaving his mommy, but since he seems to get them a lot ... we are now starting to think food allergy.  My last irish girl was allergic to corn and rice ... oats was really the only grain she could handle.  Finding prepared food without either corn or rice was next to impossible ... the ones that existed at that time were almost $9/day!!  So I put together a home cooked recipe with the help of my vet and cooked for her for years.  It was an act of love and I don't regret doing it for an instant, yet I really don't want to go back to that chore again!!! 


I see that there are now many grain free options available ... but most have far higher protein than the 21 percent max I am using for Cosmo's growth months.  Does anyone here have any recommendations?  We reside in the States and so far the local pet food stores do not seem to carry much that is grain free ... I'm guessing I will have to order online and pay shipping.  Thanks.

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Try feeding raw with quinoa, gloop made from raw veg blended in the mixer, I use broccoli, courgette, avacado and spinache for veg gloop. Apples, banana, pear and kiwi for fruit gloop and a splosh of olive oil over the food. My dogs are thriving on it.
I think others on here will have more information on this.




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