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Hi, just a general query and apart from coat changes I wondered if there was any noticeable behaviour changes after your dog was neutered (positive and negative). ?

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Update on tardak:
Well it is day 5 since the jab and I would say that it is only now I have noticed a slight differnece in reuben's behaviour. For example he got on the sofa this morning on two seperate occassions and when my 5 yr old said 'Off", he actually did and straight away. Now that has never happened and usually I have to tell reuben to enforce it.
The other thing is that he has gone into his crate to rest a couple of times (and last night actually) and so must be feeling a little insecure perhaps. His focus for commands have been better today already ie, "leave" etc.
Now prior to this his behaviour was actually worse since thursday and was a real bugger on walks and ecaped the house on Sunday and ran to local park. it took me a while to catch him and he knocked over a toddler and just ran around if to say 'haha, mum up yours i am being insolent". he was very fruity with his bed yesterday and humping still, so we will see what happens today.
Also yesterday he jumped up on my son on the zip wire which he has done before as playing but really was mouthing him and caught my son with his teeth in his ear. My son was very upset with blood pouring out ear and i really told reuben off for not listening to me when I said 'Off" and I admit I gave him a wallop on the rump. Unfortunately from me it was a reaction because he had heart my child. I do realise he was intentionally hurting gabriel and gave myself a telling off for hitting him.
Anyway we are awaiting the dreadful weather to break and then go for our walk and see what happens today.
I have been reading your posts and feel for you all ........ Of course Reuben wouldnt mean to hurt your son but also dont beat yourself up about smacking either ...... They are beautiful loving dogs but they are dogs .... That last part took me slightly longer than my husband to recognise and understand....... I had to get tough with Murphy (not hitting btw but I have done it sometimes). He has his crate which we call bed and when we see him getting over tired we encourage him in (keeps everybodies blood pressure down) but on the odd occasion where me miss the signs he is put to bed (never hitting or even touching) just a loud bed and he slinks in. When we thought about it, if the kids were tired then they would be put for a nap, yes they protest but they grow out of it and I am sure the dogs will too! Sometimes all I have to say is bed and Murphy stops what he is doing and lays down gives a huge humphy noise (protesting but giving in) so it sometimes pays off! You mentioned Reuben went to his crate of his own accord, they do that too when they want time, sometimes we look for murphy and he is in his bed sprawled out and looks all cosy ...... With Murphy I see this as him maturing a bit (he takes steps back too btw) but I know its tough and I am not saying do as I do but something to think about...... When we need Murphy to go to bed we give him a treat so he knows when he is being put to bed after being naughty or encouraged when we are going out or he is showing tired signs .... I/we have conceded the sofa though so failed miserably there ...... I am sure everything will work out for you all!
Thank you Delia, I have stopped feeling guilty now! 




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