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Interesting article on the possible link between vaccines and OCD.

Many of you may have seen this and it may have been posted here before. I found it interesting.


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I have to agree with you on this one Tracy. Let me just add something, wich is no a scientific data, just a personal experience concerning vaccinating at 6 weeks.

I did it to all Pitanga's pups, because there were a lot of parvo cases near us, and I though "better safe than sorry". A friend of mine, who did not have any parvo cases near him, decided not to do the 6 week vaccine to his labrador pups, who were a just couple of days older than mine. 

Later on, another friend of us decided to keep one pup from each litter, and got them the same day. One week later, the labrador died of parvo, the setter didn't even get sick, and they were toghether from the day he picked them up. That is why I'll vacinate at 6 weeks again, whenever I have my next litter.

I would be horrified at giving a puppy up to four different shots of vaccine starting starting at six weeks. My puppies dont leave here until 8-10 weeks earliest, and I leave it to the new owner when they want to do the first vaccination. Any puppy that is staying on here wont get its first shot before four months (one born last year didnt get vaccinated until six months), when I can be sure their immune system is fully functioning. They need only one shot, followed by lepto about ten days later. After that I dont vaccinate again, unless they need to go to a boarding kennels when reluctanctly I have a booster shot done (which I regard as a complete waste of money)

My vets dont even bother to send me reminders about annual boosters :)) One of the vets, when pushed admitted that there is almost no risk of parvo etc in this area, only renewal of the lepto shot is advisable particularly for dogs in rural areas where there are rats around in farm buidlings or river banks

For those members who might be interested, this is a link to Canine Health Concern which does not specifically discuss OCD but does discuss vaccines http://www.canine-health-concern.org.uk/ . It is based in the UK so might be of interest to UK members.

A well known veterinarian in the USA whose name is Dr Richard Pitcairn has written a book which I purchased many years ago which I found helpful. The name of the book is "Dr Pitcairn's Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs & Cats". Again, his book does not specifically address OCD and vaccines but does discuss vaccines and the overall health of the dog. For instance on page 297 Dr Pitcairn states: "The major causes of these immune disorders are the frequent use of combination vaccinations, feeding pets commercial food diets, and over-use of cortisone drugs to suppress symptoms."

I am only entering this discussion to provide some information which may prove useful to other members and this will be my last comment on this discussion.

I felt I had to add this comment because I did not read Sue H's comment and therefore did not notice her mention of Catherine O'Driscoll. The link to Catherine O'Driscoll's website was included in an article shown on the website of the Tasmanian Canine Control Council in Australia. I was certainly not trying to "stir up" this discussion. To the contrary, I was only trying to help. At least this link will give members the opportunity to read what Catherine O'Driscoll has to say and then they can make up their own minds. I wish we had veterinarians like Dr Richard Pitcairn in Australia. Unfortunately Dr Tom Lonsdale and Dr Ian Billinghurst have chosen to fight with each other. At the time I read the books of Pitcairn and Billinghurst, I favoured Pitcairn's views except for country specific issues.

"Over fifty years later, despite increased testing rates, the incidence of hip dysplasia is not going down in most breeds"

I question this statement in the article. In the UK, the Kennel Club's records appear to  show that recorded levels of HD in most breeds  show improving hip scores (see the latest KC Health group report). as more generations are tested and breeders avoid breeding from dogs with high scores. However these figures need to be treated with some caution, as some breeders are getting wise to not having dogs with bad hips recorded by not submitting X rays which look bad, or puppies are diagnosed with HD earlier before they are old enough to be scored

I also think dogs dont get nearly as much exercise as they used to. I'm old enough to remember when dogs could safely be left to roam around outside because there was much less traffic, especially in rural areas. And many people still didnt have a car so they walked or rode bicycles, taking their dogs with them. And nowadays it is simply socially unacceptable to let a dog run loose, they have to be on a lead and under control everywhere, and ride around in cars. Where dogs no longer have  well muscled hind quarters , a milder degree of HD probably will cause more problems.

I was told years ago that vaccines for distemer and parvo last 3 years, hepititis indefinately and lepto around the year. I vaccinate my puppies at 11and 13 weeks by which time the dam's immunity should have more or less dissipated. I believe you should consider vaccinating for lepto yearly and 3 yearly for everything else. I agree with Tracy and Sue that much of what is written is not based on scientific research so I tend to ignore it. Sue is right that we have to thank all the vaccinated dogs for the reduction of these diseases. I well remember the panic among veterinary surgeries everytime travellers dogs came through the area!




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