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Is something seriously wrong with my dog Riley?

As most of you know, Riley has been the naughtiest Irish Setter in the whole world from birth.

Over the last few weeks he has been acting very strange and we are a bit scared. When we tell him to stop doing naughty things, he stops. When he is up at the table or worktops and we tell him to get down, he does. We can even sit at the kitchen table and eat our dinner without him jumping up and stealing our food even if it is before he has had his dinner.

What is going on with him and how did this happen.

Have any of you Setter owners experienced this strange behaviour in any of the dogs you own?

He seems to be changing into an obedient dog, well almost. (Or at least getting much better).

What should we do about his strange behaviour?

Have you heard of this happening with any other dog before?

Any help or advice you can offer will be welcome.


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You seem to be luckier than me! Pitanga never really got beck to being a setter. It started with proper leash walking, then a decent recall, then a perfect recall, all this with progressively better behaviour indoors. Nowadays, you could mistake her for a Golden Retriever (she even retrieves...)

The two things that remain setter-like are bird pointing and her very odd way of learning - only a setter can have that kind of mind!

For example I've been working with her on STOP (any time, any place) for two years, with very slow progress in each session, but pointless tricks like hi5 or crawling took her five minutes to master - I'd say she knows about 20 wierd tricks for every important one!

... And this is how I'm sure she still is a setter! =)

So sorry for you dog being in diguisel..perhaps she will change eventually...just give it time Teresa.....

Oh Dee, it's been almost two years now! Other than occasionaly saving a hen from her mouth, there is pretty much no missbehaving. She seems to be happy like this, so I don't think there is much hope for her.

Plus I think it might be genetic: her daughter Romã was born a well behaved dog. She is two and a half and I can't remember a time she missbehaved - she never as much missed a recall. We just don't find it so wierd with her because she was always so "unsettery" in her behaviour!

Well I have always said that Fin's mother is nuts and his father is said to be a 'naughty boy' so genetically Fin didn't stand a chance...bless him....;o)

Teresa. I removed my reply as I obviously did not read your post correctly. Riley is leaning on me as I type and I read the word learning as leaning by mistake. Sorry.

But you are right! They do lean! Mine specially at night!

And i must add, my life does not feel hole unless there is red dog leaning on me! =)

I agree Teresa. We have lived with them for about 30 years and a house is not a home without a red dog or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5. Every one of them has been a leaner.

Oh I am so glad that he is getting back to normal...I do hope that all that ham doesn't do him any harm....you see with an Irish your damned if you do and damned if you don't...;o)

That is so true Dee.

It's great in the training hall especially as he always does a better job than the GSDs and it does away with the myth that ISs are untrainable however we're really quite pleased he becomes all that is expected of him at home - quite simply a 'tearaway'

I like that, Lois. We had one years ago that was always being praised at training school because he was perfect. Take him to the local field and he instantly forgot all of his training. Recall, what's that! He would run round the field barking like mad and would take no notice of anyone. We used to hide from him and he would then panic and come looking for us, but when he found us he would be off again. If we took him for a walk we would need at least 3 hours, if we let him off the lead. Would we have changed him, no chance.

Hehe, as I said to Jennie on Facebook - I sure hope Finn goes through this stage soon! Enjoy it while it lasts Andy!




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