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How awesome to spend all that time in Montana. I have been to Washington state but never Calif. or Montana. Part of me want's to live there but I have a beautiful piece of property (93a), my house not so much. Very nice you are so close to the ocean. I grew up on LI close to the Atlantic.

Please keep me posted on your search. Have you had males and females? I've always had males and was wondering about the difference? I love the large athleticism of the boys. In the Midwest, the breed tends to be more the hunting stock so a bit smaller and broader heads. I am partial to I guess what you'd call show stock. Taller, narrow head.

Continuing to have other worldly experiences with owls related to the boys. Beth was here yesterday with Boomer and she has yet to see the grave site and was wondering if she was emotionally ready to see it as the dirt and site are raw. We were discussing if we should walk back there when all of a sudden 2 great horned started calling to each other. This was late morning in broad daylight. We just stopped and looked at each other and decided to look for deer sheds in the corn stubble. Too crazy.

Hope things are well for you. Are you a Ca. native?

Hi Rob,

This might be too soon you but I saw a post on my FB feed about a young Irish setter needing adoption in upstate NY. it is through the Herkimer County Humane society . her name is Xena . I don't know if this might interest you or if it is near you at all but as it appeared on my feed I thought of you , If you are interested I might try to send you the post privately,


actually found their address 

514 State route 5 S, Mohawk, NY,

+1 315 866 3255

Catherine, found the post and I believe she's been adopted already. Looked like a sweetie. Breaks my heart when I hear stories like that.  Thanks again and please keep me posted.

Hi Rob,

I am so sorry to hear Keba has also left you ....he will be reunited with Rooker and they will be having again lots of fun times together.

My thoughts are with you at this very difficult time xxxxx

Thank you Catherine. I can't believe they are both gone so close. It comforts me some to know they are together.

That's not too far away. I believe it is a little too soon but I would look at the post. In the future, if you happen to spot something and maybe think of me, please send it along. I prefer a puppy but am not adverse to a young adoptee and then a pup. Thank you Catherine.
May I ask, have you had both males and females? I have always had intact males and I just love the size and athleticism they exhibit but am wondering if a smaller female might be different. So the question would be, how do you see them as different? Sensitive, more cuddly, stick a little closer??? Thanks

I have had both males and females and they are all different. I have had 15 so far without counting the ones I bred who went to their forever families. I used to have only boys until 2000 when I took a girl to carry on breeding the very old lines from Sybil Lennox ( Hartsbourne/Brackenfield) . We are in France now ( you may remember I am French and my husband is English ) and we have only three left . Mum ( Juicy) and two of her progeny Jethro and Abbie. we arrived here in Burgundy 6 years ago ( you may remember my husband is a wine connaisseur) and I have had quite a bit of success in the show ring. I have a FB page mainly for them and since ES was so quiet I joined a FB group - Irish Setter lovers - The admin is a guy in Toronto called Clarence Yee - It is quite an international group - quite large now but Clarence is very good as an admin. This is where I found the ad for the young Irish . You may want to join. Clarence runs a tight ship and no nonsense is allowed ! Let me know. It is a private group so I would have to invite you first.

Hi Catherine

As I haven't been on for years, didn't know you moved to Burgundy. Very nice. Beth's brother is a "foodie" and they have traveled extensively through France. I do have a confession. My sur name is not Winemaker as that was my profession for 35yrs of my working career for a small winery in the Finger Lakes of Western NY. I made some very nice Rieslings, unoaked Chardonays and for several years, some fine Cab Franc among other things. Cab Sauv. doesn't really grow here and some places have had limited success with Pinot Noir though I never attempted that one.

I believe Beth is a member of that group so I will check with her. I don't dabble with social media except this site years ago. I will visit your page with her.

I checked on that little girl you mentioned and she is still available and I am considering going to look at her (dangerous). She is about 3 hours away. Can you tell me anything about hip dysplasia as a long term prognosis? I emailed them and they didn't say much about that or her other injury. She was in rough shape when they found her. As a former breeder as I tip toe into my search, can you tell me what other questions would be important to inquire from a health standpoint. I would guess that specific issues may differ from here to Europe but in general to the breed.

I've thought of any history of cancer, bloat, hips, eye atrophy. If you can think of any pertinent questions, it would be most appreciated. I will admit I am not sure if I should be doing this yet. Thank you and belated congrats on your new home. Sounds lovely.

Not familiar with term 'forever family"??

Hi Rob,

First, forever family means I hope that when I place them they stay for ever. And if the people circumstances change , I would like to be told first so that I can arrange for a new home myself.

I noticed this little girl has had a bad start in life. Hip displaysia : it depends how severe it is. Is she in pain or will it be managed by road exercise to maintain good muscles ? or will she need an operation ? these would be the first questions. For the rest as she is a rescue unless they know who bred her they won't know if there was bloat or cancer or anything else in the lines. I notice you are talking to Carole Iverson and she is in the USA so she might be able to guide you better than me.

I don't want to put any pressure on you ....if you feel the time is not right then you should wait....but if you like what you saw and you feel you can give her a loving home, 3 hours drive in the USA is not a long way.

BTW my daughter lives in the USA - 20 years in Nashville, TN and now Vero Beach, Florida.

let me know if I can help you more.

Thx Catherine

I know they won't have the answers for this dog but I was referring to when I start speaking with breeders for a pup. I am starting a passive search and have located a breeder in Maine and another in Vermont. One has a litter due in May and it may be time by then. I want to go about this in an educated way and make contacts as my suspicion would be any dog I find will probably be out of state. Can't say for sure yet. Keba and Rooker I literally stumbled upon as I was 6 months removed from my sweet Sackett and a guy happened to tell me a lady had pups and knew of me only 5 miles away.

I haven't spoken to the people with dog yet so don't know if she needs surgery. That is a concern. Keba and Rooker both needed a lot of hospice care at the end and I am not ready for that again.

Carole is actively seeking another red now so we are staying in touch. Her last breeder has retired. I have considered moving to Tenn. but it gets too hot for me. Our winters here can be long but I can't do the heat. I am considering a move to a more mountainous region. Wishful thinking anyway.

if you are looking for a pup then obviously you must go to a breeder registered with the AKC. Then the parents will be registered and so they will have had all the health tests done  recommended for the Breed in the USA. I think best to go to the AKC website to see who the Breeders are, .On our FB page ( Irish setter lovers) Carolyn Dyson is a reputable breeder in Alabama I think. it may be worth joining our page and ask if there are any registered breeders in our group who are not too far from you.




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