Exclusively Setters

Home for Irish Setter Lovers Around the World

(Perth, Western Australia) Connecting!!

Hi all! (I hope this is allowed!)
I have just made a facebook page to connect Irish Setter parents around Perth, Australia. To my knowledge there aren't many here, it might be good to help to organise play dates and such (without clogging up ES with Perth specific things)... 
If you know of any/live in Perth and are the proud (or maybe slightly exasperated lol) parent of an Irish, please feel free to like it and share your experiences! 


In other news... I just adopted a rescue Irish....Dash's full brother!!! It's quite a story. :) Hope all are well. Extra kisses to your setters from me xx

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Good luck & best wishes with your new boy, Becky. What's his name?, and what's the story?

Hi becky nice to hear from you! What s the story ? Looking forward to met the new one and good luck with the two! !

Yes please tell the story.




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