Exclusively Setters

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I have been posting about this, but after the talk I had with my Vet today, I decided to add a discussion too, as I can only imagine that you will like to be informed about this, specially if you and your dogs might be at risk of having the same problem as Romã did.


Those of you who have pine trees in places you take your dogs, if you suspect there is or were pine tree that is or was infected with the larvae, beware!!!!

Last wednesday my mother found Romã shivering, drooling and barely breathing, because her tongue was so swollen. She took of to the Vet immediately. The Vet told her that she had touched or licked a pine tree larvae and that she was having the consequent allergic reaction.


Within minutes, the tongue beggins to get bigger and bigger. The major risk is that tongue tissue starts to die. If there is too much dead tongue, the dog (cat/horse,....) will not be able to eat and will have to be put down.

It is a medical emergency and you must take your dog to the vet right away. If you can, wash the mouth with large amounts of water to remove the toxin, as this helps to ease the allergic reaction. All animals WILL have a reaction, so don't wait to see what happens.


My girl is comming home tomorrow, but she will have to be on a special diet for a while because her tongue still very damaged (fortunately there was no dead tissue on her case, due to the rapid assitance she recieved) and because her kidneys and liver have been under a lot of pressure due to the medicaation that saved her life.


If you happen to touch one of these larvae, you should also wash the contact area with warm water and soap, and see a doctor soon. 



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Thank you for this information - I was unaware of this. I hope Romá makes a full recovery :-)
Many thanks Teresa for this warning and for the information I've learned as a result. I also had never heard of this before...and it's pretty shocking the damage those little critters can do ! There are some varieties of pines & mixed trees where I often walk the lads, I'll be more wary next time & keep an eye out for those silky cocoons, though I'm not sure if they're in Ireland, will have to check on-line. Thanks again & hugs to Roma & Pitanga

Thank you Teresa for sharing this information.....and to Cornelia for truly explaining it.  Scarey thought that just a simple walk could get our beloved dogs in trouble. 

Teresa I am glad Roma is home and hoping that there is not much damage from her encounter with the larvae.  Hope this week will be a better one for you and your lassies!



Thank you Sherry, 

Today I found out she had lost her voice almost completely, lets see if it comes back or if I'm going to have a mute setter =).

She is eating well, so I'm hoping that she'll get her weight back soon!




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