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Looking to add to my family and wondered if the Red and whites are really difficult to obtain these days? Anyone know of reputable breeders out there in the UK?

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Hi Louise, There is a group on here called Red and white setters, it hasn`t been active for a year but I think this may be your best option to find a breeder. Good luck hope you find your new family member soon ( I am thinking of a pup from the crossover programe, but that will be a year or two yet) Take care X www.irishredandwhitesetterclub.co.uk ?

There aren't that many litters around at the moment, and off hand I can't think of any, although there might be some around.  To find Daisy Mae I asked around those I know in the show world, in particular a friend of mine who shows Welsh Springers, she put me in contact with someone who had a litter, but they were all sold, but that person then put me in contact with Daisy's breeder.  I also did my homework on Sue before I went down there to view the puppies, and likewise she checked me out too.

Red and White's are quite a bit different to reds in their behaviour. They are far more like bulls in china shops.  Although I had been warned by Red and White owners before getting Daisy, I found her full on attitude to life quite a shock to begin with. When she was about 9 months old, I caught her sitting on the window ledge in my bedroom. I almost died because she could have fallen out.  Around that time she also leaped over the bottom part of a caravan door at an agility show as I was packing to leave.  Of course there was a huge drop down to the ground and she hurt her shoulders and had to be restricted for weeks after.  Good luck, but I will ask some of my red and white contacts if they know of anyone with a litter or planning one in the not too distant future.

Susan Barry in Essex has mated two of hers, I thought she had, but I don't know when they are due.  Also have been told that a working x show. Coveys Delight for Lockenna owned by Karen Lockwood is about to pop.  Evidently she used a
Rustasha dog which Susan Barry's affix.  Susan is a very good breeder and I would certtainly approach her if I was looking around for a Red and White, I have seen a couple of her litters and they are gorgeous, as are all of her dogs.  Susie Bell is also planning a litter but not until next summer. She is in Essex too. She likes to keep her COI's to 10 or under.  She doesn't yet know who she going to put her Bailey to.

Irish Setters UK and Ireland website usually list litters for both Red and Red and White. You could start looking there first.

Susan messaged me to say her litter is due on the 21st hopefully.   She is a KC assured breeder, so all necessary health checks done.  Susan also offers a good after care service to all her puppy owners.

I think you may be refereeing to a litter sired by Sues dog.

Yes there is a litter by Sue's dog and Sue has also mated two of hers.  She said that Karen's litter by her dog are due this week.  They are the one's who are show/working lines according to Susie Bell.  I have been told that the McDonalds have a litter at the moment too but my facebook contact thinks they are all sold.

www.lovenjoelsetters.co.uk is susies web site she is actually susie warren but uses a facebook alias to stop her schoolkids keeping track of her antics

Ah, I wondered why Susie Warren suddenly became Susie Bell.  Makes sense though.

Also she has a dog treat/cake website. The cakes are fantastic.  I have now ordered some liver treats.


I have had red and whites since 1982 so feel qualified to answer your questions. There are litters around at the moment my friend is expecting a litter soon if you want to wait I will be having a litter next spring. When getting a puppy check for the following DNA tested clear for CLAD and von Willibrands. The parents need to be hip scored look for even scores and not above breed average. They also need current clear eye certificates for post polar cataract. In my opinion I wouldn't buy a puppy from an outcross breeding because if you are new to a breed you don't know enough about whats behind the puppy. Go to a few shows and watch the breed and talk to people. Or you are welcome to email me  val.jarvis@ymail.com. if you are able you are most welcome to visit my dogs .

Thank you everyone for your replies. I have heard that the red and white setters are quite different in behaviour to the Reds and I am trying to do my homework to learn more too, so any information is a great help . We are thinking of obtaining a pup anytime after Christmas as that gives us time to settle and also save financially.
I am present working full time but on shift work, so think our lifestyle would fit to having a puppy again as I certainly remember the time and effort in training etc from when Reuben ( my red) was a puppy.
Can I ask those who have the experience - is a red and white harder to train/live with than a Red? I do love the red breed temperament and looks etc but also really do like the look of a red and white and the fact they are the original setter.
Fran, you certainly sound like you had a live wire with Daisy!
Val, I will probably email you ( thank you) for more information and advice as I want to be sure a red and white is the dog for us and to fit our lifestyle and we can give the dog what they need to be well balanced and happy.
I do look on the irish setter uk website and there are never really any litters listed, which is why I am asking you guys.
Fran,, the 21st may be a bit too soon for us that would mean they would be ready by November time I presume and my puppy pot saving is not quite there yet, lol




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