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You could rest your case Susan...if you had one!
Mel.......maybe it wouldn't be so funny and amusing if the tazer or zapper comments were directed at you rather than you dishing them out.
I wonder what your reply would have been if it had been me who had made the comments to Eva and Sue.
Somehow, I don't think it would have started with 'Lighten up'.
Oh!.. I nearly forgot to smile :-))
Do me a favour!....of course your not going to mention the name of the target of your comments.
If the object of the comment was 'comments' then surely you should have started a new discussion to find out what other members think of the idea of having like and dislike buttons or even zappers and tazers!!
Oops!....nearly forgot...... :-))
Val, because your sense of humour is different to ours (well mine certainly) it is difficult for you to find and to understand the joke in all this but believe me this kind of banter, and worse has been directed at all of us many times and none have never reacted as you have. How petulant. You either join in with the spirit of it or you sink. You have chosen to do the latter.....well your choice. I thought you were more resilient than that.....my mistake.
I would like to take up your point about comments being directed at you rather than you dishing them out well I have read many of the comments you have dished out, not just to me but also to other contributors on this site. Lady, if you dish so must you accept, and with good grace..
Sue I hope, in among all this side stepping you have been able to find some useful information and advise.
Playground humour never was my cup of tea.....oh! and I see one of your little chums has left a smirk (she would undoubtably call it a smile) as a reply to your comment....but it is however, no less than I would have expected.
As for the comments I have as you put it ..."dished out" ...to others....at least nobody has felt the need to leave the site because of my replies.......I don't think you can say the same, can you Eva?
I may be direct in my replies but one thing I am so glad I am not is....a bully....who relies on the back-up of her little fellow bully chums!
Youy may think you are 'The Bees Knees' on this site Eva but other members who have contacted me think differently.
Maybe as a Judge and representative of the Kennel Club you should be aware of your conduct towards members of the public.
Be more specific with your reply please Sue...
What have I said to you and these silent members that was so bad that it would make you all want to leave?
Who exactly have I belittled and been downright nasty without just cause?
What are the snidey little threats I have made and to whom?
I have read through some discussions and some of the "light hearted banter" as you like to call it was much darker and ruthless and infact was a form of bullying, so much so, members left and others noticed.
Finally, if i have upset OTHER members of this site without realising it, then I whole heartedly apologise to them here and now as it was completely without my knowledge.
I will not apologise however for replying to the nasty, sarcastic remarks made towards me by certain individuals!
Oh I understand exactly what you are saying Sue....
Just have a word with your buddy and keep her off my back!
Viv....I have apologised on here already. I had no idea until yesterday when the matter was brought to my attention that other members were upset.
I again apologise to all of the silent members who have been affected by my replies.
Val, it has taken me some time and much reflection to respond to this comment because even I, quite frankly, have been horrified at the level of vitriolic content therein. I will try to make this as polite and as measured as I can for I do not wish to answer you word for word without having to stoop to this level.
Firstly, you seem to think that anyone who disagrees with you is a chum of mine and has been put up to it by me. Nothing is further from the truth. I am quite capable of debating on Forum discussions and do not seek the support of others. If they agree with me it is because they are of the same opinion. All these members, and there are many, have their own mind and participate independently as they see fit. There is no agenda or planned strategy, everyone comments off the cuff. None of these members are bullies and it is unkind of you to brand them as such.
Secondly, I have never asked for nor thought of myself as 'The Bees Knees'. You seem to have elevated me to this position just so you could find an excuse to shoot me down. But I am as entitled to voice an opinion as the next man, whether you agree with it or not.
Thirdly, I have been told by several members that they have complained to Gene about your aggressive attitiude to other contributors on this site. Whereas it is not something I would personally have done for I believe everyone is entitled to participate and debate no manner how robustly and be answered 'face to face', I can understand the reasons behind it, as you have been insulting and discourteous, not just to me but to many others on this site. You accuse me of being everything you are yourself and more.
I cannot tell you how you should conduct yourself because that is up to you and your conscience and I will not have any further exchange with you on this matter
Yes Eva...I know all about the members who have complained.
I actually believe you when you say "it is not something you would personally have done" and neither would I under any circumstances as I too can hold my own with anyone and much prefer the "face to face" approach.
I have apologised to everyone and as far as I am concerned, that's an end to it.
Thank you Mel.......for at least acknowledging that I do make some 'pleasant and informative' comments :-)
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