Exclusively Setters

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What are the requirements in your country for a Championship Title

I am interested to know what is your requirement to gain a champion title for showing in the country where you live

and what is the break down of your age groups/classes

In Australia you need 100 points

if you are the only entry and the judge thinks your up to standard you win the challenge and get 6 points

for every other dog entered you get 1 point per dog eg: 10 dogs= 10points + 6 = total 16points

If you win Best of breed add the total entry + 6   maximum 25 points in total    

If you win Best in group  25points , that is also the maximum points you can win per show

baby puppies under 6 months can't win points and are not included in challenge line up

baby puppy 3-6 months

minor puppy 6-9 months

puppy 9-12 months

junior 12-18months

intermediate 18-36months 

open  36 months and over

veteran 7 years


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Hi Michelle


Do you know if those proposed new titles will be added to the dog's official name?  Or will it just be like a certificate or something for the owner to put on the wall?


All seems a bit...pointless to me lol
I think that sounds good, something to aim for, little rewards along the way




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