Exclusively Setters

Home for Irish Setter Lovers Around the World

A while ago i was reading a discussion forum about transporting puppies by air. I was shocked by reading some of the comments, especially the ones were people are telling others not to sell a puppy abroad!!! It took me a little time to find a way to explain why i was upset!

The day Janice Roberts (Cornevon for the so all knowing new people in the breed) sold me a puppy. To me that was one of the best days in my life.

By reading what some of you wrote i hope you can understand my Double Dutch!!!

I like to give a bit of a reply at all the nastyness i see at Exclusively Setters site. First maybe the English people don’t know the saying: Put your hand in your own pocket first, before you make accusations to another person.

After all these years being a breeder and living in different countries i saw a lot of trouble. I remember the poor beagles in a factory for resource in the UK!! I visited lots of kennels in Europe and UK.

Not only kennels in Poland where Irish Setters were living in Orange boxes, In Italy and France where you didn’t want your dog to have a life. And what a bout people giving presents to a judge before a show, just to win. I also visited kennels in the UK and having doubts about them. Maybe it was the old fashioned way of keeping dogs. Also the Hounds, were they kept so great? Where are they going when finished?

 I think i better not go on and on about this because i don’t want to put names on and it makes me angry. Don’t be so High an Mighty about the English breeders. In the whole world we have troubles to understand why breeders keep and breed the way they do! In some countries they maybe need a bit more time to get away from the old fashioned way, that also was in the UK and now luckily a lot less.

Try to look into the Standard and keep breeding in a way it says. All this for keeping the Breed in order!!!

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HI Willy, I am not the right person to respond probably, because of my unexperience, but your post sort of triggered me.. I am not really sure how to read it.. From one side, I can understand your frustration: you had a wonderful experience and you wish other people can share the same.. Even when Oberon became part of our family it was the most wonderful day of our  life since ages (well, since the previous dog;) and such an excitement, we coudnt believe we had this little wee thing making a revolution in our life :)

on the other hand, I followed that post as well and I get the impression that most people were just nice and careful breeders that expressed some concerns about situations in which a puppy is sold without to know exactly what was going to happens.. several of them had nasty experiences and openly wanted to share them, so to avoid similar situations for others, who may have less experiences.. this is of course true also when a puppy is sold in the same country, and i cant imagine a more stressful and sad experience for the breeder.. there were also some other people who happily shared nice experiences when selling puppies aboad and also  gave advise about safe transportation by air.. I dont think it was a "nasty" blog, only plenty of difference experiences, advises and deep concernes.. I think we should be more supportive to all nice breeders who are doing a wonderful job keeping the breed and working hard to find the best family for the little newborns.. I woudnt care about going through a tough interview before to have been given a puppy, independently on the fact that is coming from the same country or from abroad, since it is the best guarantee that the mum is concerned about this..Reversing the coin: I also wish to be in the position to give to the breeded a sort of  "interview" ;) since I am more confident and happy when a person  responds openly and honestly about their litter and all my doubts or questions about the puppy.

sorry for this post.. But I just havent read that blog with the same attitude as you, I just think it was plently of shared concerns and good advises... as I said, I am probably not the best person to respond and I am sure others, more professionals,  will be triggered by your post. have a wonderful time and life with your fantastic reds!!

Steady Willy,members have disappeared from ES for less you know!!!  Anyway,imagine 76 views without reply...must be a record. Judging corrupt....unbelievable!!!  Still, getting it all off your chest....I love it....Oh, and a word of advice, avoid Blackfriers Bridge on any future visits across the channel!!!  

I like your reply James.

Everyone is entitled to their views.

Willy......judging by the photo's you have uploaded, your dogs are fabulous.

hi sue, ican understand you think like this but on this side of the water we have friends ho can take care of getting pups back when its trouble. 




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