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Just wondering if any of you have used a dog coat .... I am seriously considering it as the weather gets more severe, two reasons ; to keep him warm and dry but also cleaner.  Our walks are either field or forrest and he is a muck magnet! Runs and jumps like a spring lamb and the wetter it is the more he does ....


This is the one I am thinking about  http://www.johnnorris.co.uk/shop/ty_318-dog-accessories/5082-dog-co...


Oh and this is Murphy on a clean day in the field http://irishsetters.ning.com/photo/spot-the-irish-setter?context=la...


Thanks Delia & Murphy

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It's been quite a few years since I have purchased our Fido Fleece ... it has been used by all my setters at one time or another ... I believe it was about $60 US ... it seemed like a lot to me at the time, but my really old girl needed it not just for walks but pretty much all the time during the winter. And because she always wore it, it was not an issue when it came time to go for a walk.
we have a 17 week bitch so her coat hasn't come in yet and she shivers in the rain etc so we bought a breathable coat. It fits her snugly and does the job very well.
In the north east england we dont have extreme temps altough still cold!! I got ruby a fleece coat keeps her lovely and warm and dry, as she shivers wen she gets wet! with the dark nites drawing in her high vis fleece is ideal! it is breathable and she can still move around freely, where as some coats are quite heavy and stiff!

After a long walk back to car and only legs and ears too dry!

I got the fleece from www.equafleece.co.uk

kate and ruby
Never used a coat we do not have extreme cold here. Love California
She'd need a 'kini :-)
Think coats are quite good for going out in the rain - my theory is - less dog to dry when you get home and it's no fun when they get wet 4- 5 times a day or more.
Ok, Jennifer, this sounds something we may consider as well (to reduce the drying time, at least in occasions in which is really raining a lot..).. Which one do you have in mind for keeping dry (more than warm, I mean..)
Use to have a 'Barker' for Jinty an oil skin dog coat, she never minded wearing it. There are so many these days from fashion! to practical, anything that is water proofed with a fleece lining would be ideal, just make sure that the dog has plenty of room to run in it, have found with some coats that the chest 'popper' tends to come undone when the dog breaks into a gallop!.
It's all down to preference, shop around and see which has the best fit - I really wouldn't know which to recommend.
Our old boy (13) has a very thin coat and loves his fleece lined coat now its colder as he no longer runs much.
I've usually put coats on those who will wear them, when its pouring down, on road walks before work, to lessen the wet dogs in the home syndrome:-) Not all of them have liked them though.
I've just got Finn a Hurrta raincoat as he has a lot of feathering on front....BRILLIANT...it keeps so much of him dry even when its just walking on wet ground, so I think he will wear his most of the winter on the roads....no point in the fields as he'll jump right in any water he sees! But then I have time to dry them properly when we get home.
Only for really cold days we use a Dogcoat from www.obtrack.com.
Delia, maybe the wax from the barbour smells to much for the dogs (know the wax smell from my barbour jacket ...)
@ Christine: Vito looks good in his Hurtta Coat.




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