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We try to avoid cookies. I am getting liver in supermarket and boil it. It doesn’t smell very good while it’s boiling, but puppy loves it so much, so we still doing it for her. I would get several packs and boil it and then freeze in several containers for future. I’ve read that live is called “a Ferrari of all treats” and I agree – it is really is.

Puppy also loves bananas and apples. We even gave her pomegranate once. She loves cheese and boiled carrots.

But when we outside – we still use “Begging Strips”. They are dry and easy to use. I cut them in to very small pieces with scissors and put in small Ziploc bags. Everybody in my family have a bag with treats in a jacket pocket.

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Is anybody uses Kong? I put can food in with a spoon. But also I’ve read that we can shred carrots and add a bit of water and freeze it inside the Kong. I’ll do it in a summer. We still using medium size Kong. She loves it.
Hello Inna ~

We have a kong and Joss finally likes it too.

The first time I stuffed it with peanut butter and froze it so it'd last longer. Only when I gave it to him he HATED the toy. He treated it like I'd handed him a snake. He growled at the Kong - the 1st time I heard a growl from him. Then he pushed it away from himself and into the kitchen. Still I gave it back and placed it on his bed with his other toys. Now he went to the drastic measure of removing all of his other 'good' toys from his bed. He took them into his kennel where they would be safe from the Kong. For 10+ minutes he avoided the bed, walked all around it with some distance between him and the Kong and came over to me and huddled close staring at the Kong. Now I was laughing so hard I didn't get photos like I should have but I did finally give up and I took it off his bed. I have never in all my live long days seen a puppy act like this to a toy.

Well we cleaned out the frozen peanut butter and added some cheese and kibble a few days later and re-introduced Joss to the Kong - ok, this time it's fine. But he doesn't CHEW the Kong like he's supposed to. He noses it all around the living room floor licking out treats. He will occasionally pick up the Kong and carry it back to the center of the living room or over to his bed but only to lick it all over again. I am hoping he will one day figure out that this is a chew toy.

It’s very finny story, Autumn. I am actually trying to get several more Kongs for my puppy, because she loves it and every time I lock her in a crate – I give her one. She also licks stuff out first. If she wouldn’t chew on it I would but Kong stuffing that is chewable. May be this would teach or would give him an idea?
I also got a toy that looks like a pear and treats are inside. She rolled it with her nose and paws around the floor and treat are falling out. I put small dog food inside.
Here I found it on-line.
This site has a video on it. My doggy got it for her 3 month Birthday. She didn’t get it first day, but next day she was already playing. It can keep her busy for a long while. I always put this toy away, so she wouldn’t loose interest.
I love giving fresh veggies and fruits as treats but also for training specifically I use Zuke's Mini Naturals. They are a great size for training.
I need to check those out in a store. Thank you. I love to have something in a pocket always for her while she is still learning good behavior.




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