Exclusively Setters

Home for Irish Setter Lovers Around the World

Wanted to ask what people prefer to use for flea and tick prevention.  I know the topicals can be hard on some dogs skin but in this part of the country using a prevention of some sort is not optional!  So since it is getting to that time of year I thought I would ask what people use with the best results and least reactions ;)


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We use K9 Advantix. Works.
Please don't use chemicals unless you absolutely have to

this is a wonderful product that really works well and is VERY inexpensive

Organic Finishing Rinse by Traleigh. You can get it at
_www.ashtonenterprises.com_ (http://www.ashtonenterprises.com) or _www.traleigh-ballyridge.com_

You still do need to use heart guard tho for heart worm protection.

kim and kibby who has been into everything lately ;)
It's funny/ I have it already. I was told that we can use it on the rest of the family.
Connecticut have LOTS of ticks.
yes it works great for ticks fleas mosquitos. I keep a bottle by the door and another in the van for when we go hiking on the weekends.




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