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Salmonella Poisoning in Dogs

Dogs seem to be able to scarf down anything and everything that is under their nose, but can they get salmonella poisoning? We hear about people all the time eating chicken that wasn’t cooked enough and then getting sick for several days after because of salmonella poisoning, but can that happen to dogs too? Can salmonella poisoning occur in dogs?

Dogs can shed salmonella through their feces even when they eat dry kibble, but because a healthy dog normally can digest their food quickly without allowing bacteria to settle, they usually do not get salmonella poisoning. Since normal, healthy dogs without other serious health concerns are able to do this, typically they do not get salmonella poisoning from raw meats, like humans can.

However, if a healthy dog eats something that has spoiled then there may be a problem. Just like humans, eating something that has been left out for a long period of time, or has spoiled, can poison dogs. Even the healthiest dogs can get poisoned in these types of conditions.

Canine stomachs have a much higher acidity than humans. Also, their intestinal tract is much shorter, and can pass Samonella before it takes effect. Those two things combined decrease the odds of dogs contracting many bacterial infections. If the acidity doesn't kill it, they pass it through too quickly for much to take hold.

Raw chicken for dogs is no more dangerous than raw food for humans. Some people eat sushi, and their beef rare. It's all in how you handle your dog's food. Same as humans...freeze if not using immediately, defrost under refrigeration, use proper sanitary technique for serving (I sanitize cutting boards and surfaces before and after contact with raw food, bowls get put in dishwasher after each meal, never prepare raw dog meal while family food is out on counter...)

Understanding salmonella and how humans contract the disease are critical in preventing the bacteria from infecting pet owners or their dogs. Feeding raw food to dogs presents less danger from salmonella than from eating food with the bacteria. The digestive systems of healthy dogs produce bacteria-destroying enzymes, in the same way wolves digest raw meat. Dogs are able to digest raw food more rapidly than dry kibble, making the chances of becoming infected with salmonella less likely.

Concerns with Raw Eggs

Eggs are absolutely brilliant nutrition for your dog. Eggs are a whole food, and often regarded as being the perfect protein source. It is the one against which all other proteins are measured. Eggs contain a full compliment of minerals, including excellent levels of calcium (mostly in the yolk), all the vitamins except vitamin C and a range of high quality saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, the nutrient lecithin and the whole range of enzymes and other longevity factors always present in raw foods. The shell is removed in order to balance the calcium requirements in a natural diet. Egg yolks are an essential food for a dog with skin problems. They contain sulphur containing amino acids, biotin, vitamin A, essential fatty acids and zinc.

What about Biotin in Eggs

Many clinical nutrition books discuss biotin (one of the water soluble vitamin B complex) as being an essential nutrient which can be bound by avidin, which is found in raw egg white. This binding prevents it's absorption from the gastrointestinal tract. Fortunately cooking deactivates this effect of avidin, and egg yolk is so high in biotin content that biotin deficiency does not occur when whole raw eggs are fed. So, whilst biotin deficiency is a potential problem - in reality it is unlikely to be seen in domesticated animals unless they are fed an extremely imbalanced ration that is predominantly egg white.

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I really don't think so. One of our dogs used to bury chicken if he fancied a fast day and would go back for it a week later looking to eat it...ewww lol 

I have known dogs who have developed salmonella. However, you often find they have been previously treated with large doses of antibiotics, and therefore have a gut full of bad bacteria which cannot deal with invasion.  Another aspect is that many of the dried foods are altering the ph balance.  Whereas a dogs gut should be acidic enough to deal with such invasions, some are not because of the modern 'convenience' way of feeding and overuse of antibiotics.  If you feel this is the case, I would suggest starting off by feeding very small amounts of raw food, so that you are slowly altering gut bacteria to good.  Once a period of feeding small amounts has been achieved, I would then go for the big switch.  A healthy dog should be able to take an immediate switch from one type of feeding to another. With regards to antibiotics, I will only allow my dogs (or myself) to be treated with them when it has been proven that there is a bacteria infection. The veterinary profession are still far too happy to prescribe them like little sweeties.




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