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Setters in Scotland

For all setters and their owners who live in or visit Scotland - whether you show, work or just enjoy our beautiful scenery with your dogs!

Location: Perthshire, Scotland
Members: 31
Latest Activity: Aug 19, 2015

Discussion Forum

Shows or trials in Scotland?

Started by Helen O'Keefe Aug 19, 2015. 0 Replies

Favourite walks

Started by Linda Andreu. Last reply by Nicole Wilson Jul 7, 2008. 6 Replies

Comment Wall

Comment by Linda Andreu on July 1, 2008 at 2:06pm
Welcome to the Setters in Scotland group!

I'm just curious to see how many of us Scots are here!

Linda xx
Comment by Nicole Wilson on July 1, 2008 at 2:15pm
Hope you don't mind me joining ;-) I have a Gordon setter and am Swiss but live in Edinburgh.
Comment by Linda Andreu on July 1, 2008 at 2:26pm
Hello Nicole,

Of course I don't mind - I was just sitting her by myself til you showed up!

I love Gordon Setters too but two Irish are enough for me at the moment!

Thanks for joining, maybe we will organise a big Scottish setter meet one day? Do you show your Gordon? I am just starting out in showing with my new pup.

Linda xx
Comment by Dee Rance on July 1, 2008 at 3:00pm
Hi there you two, never thought of making a Scottish section, hope non Scots join as well, we don't want to be thought of a insular, I hope everyone is welcome????? Dee and the girls
Comment by Linda Andreu on July 1, 2008 at 4:56pm
Of course all are welcome, I don't want to exclude anyone at all as everyone has been very lovely to me! I am interested in seeing how many owners are around 'locally' as we have only ever meet one or two setter owners on our walks.

I also thought it might be nice to ask about favourite walks, dog friendly places to stay and eat - some local knowledge which might be use to anyone visiting Scotland for shows or holidays?
Comment by Jennifer Welsh on July 2, 2008 at 7:41am
Good idea Linda. Just thought I'd let you all know about some where I regularly stop on the A9 when I'm back and forth to shows, it's the House of Bruar. If you go round the back there is a lovely walk up by the waterfall where I let my dogs stretch their legs. If we're on our way home from showing I also let them relax by going for a little paddle at the bottom end where it is fairly shallow. Another thing worth noteing is that they've added a shaded area in the car park for dog owners. Unfortunately they've forgotten to add a dog waste bin anywhere but there are ordinary bins dotted around you just have to make the extra effort to find them. Hope this info is useful to someone :-)
Comment by Linda Andreu on July 2, 2008 at 8:09am
Thanks Jennifer,

I hope you manage to resist the temptation to shop there!? My friend works there as their web designer - he says their home-made soup is lovely, but a bit expensive, like everything else. Maybe I will stop by on my way back from Craigellechie some time and see for myself. That waterfall sounds nice.

Linda xx
Comment by Dee Rance on July 2, 2008 at 12:54pm
Hi there all.
Jennifer is the place well signposted??? I was talking to Nicole and she suggested that it might be nice if we could find somewhere we could all go and walk the dogs, it would make a great picture lots of setters running together.
Something just came to me it may be out of the way, but St Andrews beach is huge and at the end of the summer there wont be many people... anyone got any better suggestions or another idea?????
Dee and the girls
Comment by Nicole Wilson on July 3, 2008 at 3:35am
The House of Bruar looks very good, indeed. Thanks very much Jennifer. We'll try that one out sometime too when we're in the area.
St. Andrews sounds good, Dee. It would be great to have a setter day out :-)
Comment by Melinda Auld on July 3, 2008 at 5:05am
I used to live in Scotland...and I own Setters...do I qualify for membership? (If it helps sway you, I left my heart in Scotland when I returned to Australia...)


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