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Here is my boy, Hobson, a shell of his former self. As with Rose, I am grateful Hobson is still alive, unlike his brother, Hammer. I hope I am able to load a photo in the months ahead to show Hobson's improvement. Hobson lost 6kg in weight. So far, he has put on 1kg. He lost almost his entire coat in March 2011. His condition was misdiagnosed by 2 vets. Hobson's condition had previously been misdiagnosed and mistreated by another vet who caused Hobson to suffer GDV. Hopefully when Hobson's coat grows it will hide the surgery to staple his stomach to his abdomen as well as the changes in his groin area due to a sertoli cell tumour. Since March 2011 he has also lost a great deal of muscle tone in his hind legs. Virtually overnight he went from being an active boy who could jump in the car and onto the bed to an "old man" who could hardly walk. I am grateful Hobson is still alive. I could not bear to lose him too.

  • Currently 5/5 stars.

Views: 39

Comment by Chantal McIlveen-Wright on October 23, 2011 at 6:04am
Dear lovely Hobson, wish you a very quick and full recovery and plenty of good time with Rose and your Mum  :-)
Comment by Cornelia on October 23, 2011 at 9:49am
Wishing him well and a speedy recovery!


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