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Home for Irish Setter Lovers Around the World

Roberto Martin del Campo Hernand
  • 64, Male
  • Huitzilac, Morelos
  • Mexico
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Roberto Martin del Campo Hernand's Friends

  • martin falsey
  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright
  • Rodney Drinkwater (BRABROOK)
  • John B. Hughes/Absinthe
  • Marjolein Bogaard
  • Nicole Wilson
  • Sjoerd Jobse

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Roberto Martin del Campo Hernand's Page

Profile Information

How many Irish Setters do you have?
(4) four
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
ufff 35 years
About Me:
I have a Hotel Residence Canine " Crayola Resort" in Mexico, just for very important pets!!

Comment Wall (8 comments)

At 5:14pm on August 24, 2010, Marjolein Bogaard said…
muy bienvenido Roberto! Espero que algun día tenga la oportinidad de ver tu hotel en Méjico!
At 5:56am on October 6, 2010, Chantal McIlveen-Wright said…
Roberto Feliz cumpleaños!
¿Recibió cuatro mimos especiales por el Setter irlandés esta mañana?
At 10:33am on October 7, 2010, Chantal McIlveen-Wright said…
Muchas gracias por su invitación, y estoy muy feliz de ser tu amiga ES.
Debo admitir que me sorprendió un poco cuando vi que son de México. Mi setter no le gustaba el calor. De hecho, que realmente sufren por encima de 20 grados. Supongo que si nació allí, es diferente.

A big cuddle to all your 4 beautiful setters and a very good day to you Roberto
At 11:31am on October 23, 2010, Marjolein Bogaard said…
Hola amigo, cómo te va? espero que todo te vaya bien. Se me ha olvidado tu cumpleanos y lo siento mucho. Muchas felicidades y que tengas un buen ano en buena salud! Un beso de Marjolein
At 3:00pm on October 29, 2010, Hilda Wranovics said…
Thanks for the BD greeting.
At 5:34pm on December 13, 2010, martin falsey said…

grettings from ireland i would like to see some photos of your dogs just woundering what breeding you have all the best ps like to see hotel

At 6:38pm on January 22, 2011, John B. Hughes/Absinthe said…


       I am interested in finding a list of official dog shows in Mexico-where and when.  I've googled them but can't find one.  Would you have any idea where I should look.  I have a home in Puerto Vallarta and would like to put a Mex Ch on my Irish if possible.  Can you help?  John

At 1:52pm on January 24, 2011, John B. Hughes/Absinthe said…


     Thanks and I will see if there are some near Guadalajara as that is much closer for me than Mexico City.  Jill Taylor ( Captiva )  asked me to look them up with the thought of getting in a vacation and putting a Mexican Ch on our dogs.  Thanks again, John

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